Monday, April 21, 2014

The Size Of Rhode Island

When idiot Easterners call something the size of Rhode Island, its a bit of an insult. Rhode Island is the size of the shoreline around a bay. An estuary. Point Reyes Seashore is the size of Rhode Island. Big deal. That's a big naked grassland peninsula west of where I grew up, north of San Francisco. It has deceptively low speed limits which everyone with two brain cells to rub together ignores after about 10 minutes of suffering them. Then they crest a hill and find a sharp LEFT turn which tries to kill you. Its VERY EXCITING. I know about it, and its nearly killed ME a few times. The rest of the road is so dull, you see. It sneaks up on you.

What is the point of Rhode Island? My home county was twice the size of Rhode Island, and had something like 10x the revenue, thanks to the wine industry. Why does a pissant little nothing state deserve two senators when all I got was on aging hippie biznitch House Representative high on pot and suffering serious brain damage from all the acid she dropped in the 1960's. So why couldn't I have a couple non-biznitch Senators, from wine families. We had Sebastiani, for C's sake! Sonoma is a real place, not just the name of a small truck.

Rhode Island is a joke here. Most counties in California are bigger than any two New England states. The one I live in now is better than Rhode Island and Connecticut and Massachusetts. And so what? Those states are full of nothing, barely even people. They're just drones. They want to be European Communists. They are shifting all politics that way. Eventually people from Europe won't visit because its like home with worse weather. They'll keep coming to California, because we let people like that die, and Europeans appreciate our insincerity and viciousness. They like that we're mean.

Rhode Island? Nobody likes you.

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