Friday, August 22, 2014

Classes Cancelled

I was all signed up for Librarian courses at the local college, so I could get a job and get paid. Then I got a call on Thursday and learned that the teacher had bailed out on the program. The school is trying to find another teacher, and will call me if they manage it, but I'm a pessimist for a reason. Disappointing.

Once more, I can't help but wonder if I should put more effort into editing my old novels and making them ready for print on demand publishing. That might get me some money. I know that others have said my novels are good. And that's very nice of them to say that. I don't know that they really are, but I could probably fix them, and make them sell. I could use the income. With the incredible lack of jobs in this area, and my education as a Librarian strictly on-the-job and unpaid without the paper, thanks to some snobbery by those working there are terrified I'll replace them because I shelve and they ... don't. And in the end, being a librarian is about having a library, which means shelving returned books, and manning the desk to loan them out again. Since I'm not allowed to Man the desk, despite being one of the few men there, I shelve, for 5-6 hours at a time. I make sure it gets done. Its not easy, but its not very hard either. Its mostly just time consuming. Honestly, once they teach me the software for loaning and returning books? I'm ready. And if I were carrying around a smartphone logged into the library system and did Nonfiction searches for subjects patrons ask for while I'm shelving? Then I'm already doing more than they are. Not that they aren't great librarians, or adequate ones. Whatever. I just like books, and the patrons don't bother me at all, except when some don't bathe. Otherwise? They're fine. Its a very unstressful job.

I hope the school calls me and offers the classes online after all. I want those units. I want to get this piece of paper so I can stop being annoyed about working for free. I could use income for the work I'm doing. And its a fair amount of work. Its like the work you do. You get paid. Why shouldn't I?

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