Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Millenial Debt and Trump

I am happy that the Hag lost the election. She was evil and utterly unsympathetic. A terrible leader, and a bad liar. With the Community Organizer leaving, America can restore jobs, fix our trade imbalance, and repair a lot of infrastructure abandoned by the Community Organizer for the last 8 years. Remember this?
Dozens of people died. Why did it happen? Minnesota is run by Socialists. Keeping infrastructure repaired is a Republican problem. Democrat-Socialists are all about the pregnant hookers and legal dope. And if you're high, or pregnant, what do you care about working people dying? Right? This is the primary difference between the parties, and events like this are the reason Trump won. Normal people care about this.

I do hope that Trump restores bankruptcy protection and returns Credit Cards and Student Loans into bankruptcy, since that fixes Millenial debt burden, allowing them to start businesses instead of pay for useless educations that didn't provide jobs. Collapsing those banks and scammer credit card companies from all the bankruptcies of those debt agencies will ALSO end credit card fraud, since it becomes the issuing agency's problem again. Bush W caused this problem. It needs to be corrected. And restoring bankruptcy also ends the protests, since most of these disenfranchaised kids are only disenfranchaised because they're in debt slavery. Fix the debt, fix the problem. Besides, those agencies all gave money to Clinton, so screw them twice.
See? Solve this problem. Give them the right to walk away from bad investment again.

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