Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Adaptation and Business

For the last 8 years, Republican gun owners have quietly carried on despite the abuses of govt that actively hates us. Eight Long Painful Years. We have gotten by, quietly, and kept our heads down, and adapted and survived. It has not been a nice time.

The racists of the left are really ticked off their racist candidate lost the election because the majority did not vote for her. We held our noses and voted for Trump and that is that. So, leftists, what do you do now?

In prior elections where leftists' side lost, the economy dramatically improved because leftists were no longer screwing it up. Seeing that the economy was better run by someone else, the leftists went on to start small businesses like bakeries and wineries and breweries. They learned how to operate a business, and a balance sheet. This is a great use of leftist energy, making and selling things, and far more productive than complaining. Republicans kept our heads down for 8 years of misery under your racist hate monger, and its party platform of racism and hate for black people. Democrats hate the poor, which is why the keep them that way. Now it is your turn to shut up and get back to work. Do something useful.

If your useful skill isn't building a business in a physical site, or you can't stand where you live anymore and think you want to see more of America, do that. There's plenty of businesses which can happen on the road. Truck driving and delivery driving is interesting and rewards people who can do math. There's also outside sales. Selling stuff to people who need it, like selling scanners to hospitals, and arranging payment and delivery and training etc. That makes money. That is useful to people in a very direct way. Far more useful than rioting because you lost, you hypocrites.

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