Thursday, April 12, 2018

More Than Skeptical

Living in California as I do, you might assume I'm surrounded by communists. And that's almost true. This map shows how counties voted in the last election. Notice all that red? Even in California, most of the land is conservative republican, even the farmers. The blue areas have the most population, and illegals who vote 4-6 times each.
Commies have been self selecting to move into my state as they flee from other regions under the perception that California will lead the way into the kind of communism they've been dreaming of ever since Trotsky, who was a follower of Marx but more extreme and was killed by Stalin for being too out there. Its tempting to use historical examples to crap all over their dreams, but I feel like that's a little too easy, and too distracting. I want to explain what their ideals believe as best as they've explained it to me. I think they are wrong, but they rarely sit down and explain things.

Their primary reasoning for thinking communism is inevitable is the fact that most jobs used to be manufacturing, but automation removed most of the jobs and replaced them with robots. A win against drudgery, sure, but a loss against the American dream of a job a poorly educated and unmotivated American can do and still bring home the bacon, pay the mortgage, and allow the wife to watch the kids rather than work. That dream is dead. They are right about that, and it burns me.

The problem with removing all the jobs and replacing them with software, AI, automation and robots is fewer people will have the ability to buy houses and raise children under the best environment. The worst socialists tried discarding men, and the resulting black genocide has been a national point of shame. Clearly, marriage remains the best environment to raise children. All conservatives, which is more than half the country, agree on this and ignoring this firm principle is asking for civil war. Communists might get some traction if they admitted this is true.

The communists think that the answer to automation removing jobs is a guaranteed minimum income. There are big problems with this, starting with "how much per family" and the issues of both fraud and paying people to be useless eaters, which has so far not resulted in the arts but has resulted in the national shame of welfare moms, drug dealers, crime, and useless breeders. The bigger problem is also "who pays for it?" Taxing working people to pay for lazy scum is going to create civil war.

The farmers growing the food don't work for free, and stealing their food is a great reason to stop growing more, which is exactly what happened in Zimbabwe, right before hyperinflation and starvation and death. Similarly in Venezuela, which is just short of cannibalism as I write this. And before you claim that Norway is awesome socialism, remember they paid for it with oil from the wells in the North Sea, and those wells are empty now, and Norway is deficit spending on socialism. Its going to fail. So how do you pay for this guaranteed income? How do you feed a population that's 99% useless eaters? Liquefy the dead to feed the living? Soylent green is made of people?

It is those questions which are really stumping the socialists. And the obvious violence which will arise when the food trucks don't show up, and the meal ticket stops working because those eaters are a problem to be rid of rather than a resource anymore, that's where it all goes everywhere it has been tried. The money always runs out. The numbers add up to civil war, and the conservatives are better armed. 

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