Monday, January 19, 2015

Dodging Ugliness

There's a lot of Ugliness in the world today. Perhaps it was always like that, but then again, those who made our world this terrible WOULD say that to reduce the burden of their own guilt or getting looking another direction while they grab their money and run for it.

When I was a lad, there was a crime called Pandering. It apparently put politicians in jail. They got arrested and tried in court and went to prison for it. The newspapers, sometime in the 1990's, lost track of the word and now it seems to have been purged from the Lexicon, very deliberately forgotten. Along with the arrests and jail terms for committing this crime. This is a terrible thing, because Pandering was a crime worth prosecuting. Removing it as a crime means this is not SOP. This is NOT okay for those of us old enough to know why.

Today we have pandering politicians. Some of them behave as if entirely insane. Law affect areas, all at once. Laws that exist to attack, not to help. Attack. They are modern violence, enforced by cops, for political reasons or to enable the upsides of bribes by allowing special exceptions. Reversing bad laws is a matter of millions of dollars in lawyer fees, and years in court. Or you can avoid it entirely by leaving town, which is cheaper. Leaving stupid places behind is a cheaper answer.

This does mean that those who have sanity but find themselves surprised by insane laws do NOT invest in communities, or have particular reason to contribute taxes to areas which are going to attack them legally anytime soon. So long as communists are allowed to operate openly, that community is evil and WILL attack soon enough. Because the money always runs out. And those in power know its easier to hurt people than it is to give up the power. My whole life I've observed this behavior so I know it to be fact. It is unpleasant, but it is how people are. Those who insist otherwise are evil.

Getting away from villains is why I'm so in favor of geography, of mobility, or minimalism (the opposite of materialism). It is easier to get away from villains when you have less to carry when you leave stupid behind. There are many interesting places, with few people to ruin things with communism, and a mobile life gets you out of bad situations which are meant to impoverish and break you, to turn you into a debt-slave for the comfort of your "superiors". To turn you into a peasant-slave who will work yourself to death, loyal and silent, doing till you DIE for the comfort of your "moral superiors" which is what every Progressive claims to be.

In that environment, where laws attack you and you have to pack up and leave, it is best to ignore what can't be changed. The best revenge is living well, or more importantly, surviving the result of these mistaken beliefs that have inevitable consequences. Beyond the obvious mobility to leave terrible violent laws behind, what New York City residents should do rather than accept creeping socialism, disarmament, and racial hate crimes encouraged by the Dictator running that city. Leave. Leave it behind because you can't change how things are.

Until such time as new boom towns are started in smarter places where water is close and cheap, land is cheaper, and its a blank slate to build a town shaped however you like. Until you can move to a new town, from scratch or rebuilt from the old designs that don't require living with gasoline, until then you have mobility. The Communists, the Progressives, attack everybody who disagree with them. And everybody who agrees with them too. They are a cult. They are deluded. They deny reality and hurt people to keep the dream going, their drug trip, their insanity. Driving away from progressives means you escape their attacks, and maybe live better than you would putting up with them impoverishing and enslaving you. So how do you live well when you have to keep moving? Keep your RV or trailer clean and maintained. Park it in places which are clean and maintained. Always have the money to buy the fuel to leave town, so when things go bad you don't have to put up with it. Most RVers have a secondary vehicle, usually a bicycle or scooter or even a small motorcycle with panniers so they can go grocery shopping without wasting gallons of gasoline. I need to get that license for a motorcycle. With my car having issues, I need a backup option beyond a bicycle in this town of mountain roads and steep canyons.
If you're doing the mobility survival options, rather than the Die In Place(tm) suicide bunker, then you'd better be prepared to examine your life and determine what objects are actually crucial to your happiness, and realize that carrying those objects is going to cost you both fuel and require physical size of your RV or trailer. And that bigger that is, the more it will cost. I've known building contractors who lived in truckbed RVs and built their home, once they found the right place for it, while sleeping inside. Its not comfortable, but it is better than a tent. If you love broadband, wire your setup for it, or stay in places where you have wifi. And live somewhere with hot showers and clean laundrymat on the site. Some trailer parks are good at their maintenance. Be sure you only stay at those to avoid the serious mental health problems that arise from dirt, stink, nasty neighbors, and crime. The stuff you find in bad trailer parks.
It's not ideal, this moving around, but in an economy where all jobs are minimum wage or will be soon, your mobility is your happiness. If you sit still, you'll get abused. The money always runs out when you try for Totalitarianism. And then its the finger pointing, the attack-taxes, and death Happy camps. We already know the parties in power don't care about the Middle Class, and global poverty seems to be the real goal. That's wage equality. Remember how the Progressives always go on about that? Wage equality is all headed for you starving to death in the darkness and cold. Drive away from that. Leave those kind of people to die without you. Don't help people murder you. Don't stay to help them. Don't pay them tribute for their bad ideas. I've seen too many cults murder their membership. This Communism thing is just one of them.
It will eventually turn into another Jonestown massacre. Don't be there for the final act.

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