Tuesday, April 28, 2015

West Baltimore Burned by Looters

The Black Mayor of Baltimore called for riots yesterday and got them last evening. Black Attorney General Eric Holder upset over violence does NOT arrest black mayor, once more proving black priviledge and immunity from the law. Calling for riots is very much illegal and is a felony in this case. This continues the ongoing racism by this administration. If you are black, your life only matters when you get killed by police, no matter what crimes you were committing. This situation is ridiculous. UPDATE: Apparently, Eric Holder is no longer the Attorney General. There's someone else now. Whether that person will get this racist mayor arrested for inciting violence, a felony, or not will define whether this Attorney General is lawful or evil. Now is your chance, lady. Are you competent?

If your community has black people in it, you should expect race crime like this. Any excuse will do. From what we see, there is now race riot tourism, because those with the money to travel to race riot areas can commit crimes and not be charged. UPDATE: the guy they were rioting over literally killed himself by deliberately, in front of another criminal witness, bashing his own head against a bolt inside the police van in order, it is believed, to claim police brutality and get his arrest thrown out and thus not get arrested for heroin possession for sale, something he was doing and is illegal in all countries on earth, including the ones where opium poppies are grown. He was looking at life in prison with this arrest. So getting out of the arrest was worth the risk of death.

That the city of Baltimore will throw a riot that burns down the city over the arrest of a heroin dealer who killed himself... because he was black... well, Baltimore is clearly racist; pro-black, anti-everyone-else. I hope they burn down the rest of it soon. Until black people decry these thugs as thugs, and demand arrest of those who enable thugs (like certain preachers and politicians), black people's silence to their population's thugs harms race relations and equality. You have to stand up to your criminals, loudly, or you don't belong in Western civilization.

The sane answer is to leave such places behind for communities that are color blind about applying the law to all people. As soon as you refuse to charge black people, your community is moments away from burning down. And that problem has clearly happened in Baltimore. This is really tough for black conservatives, who have looked at the genocide caused by liberal policies and have decided that the old time religion, actually practiced as intended, teaches another way. And they are vigorously attacked by Liberals who want to keep the genocide going. Liberalism kills black people.

Is the world better off without Baltimore? Considering it is now a racist murdering hellhole, burning it down further will ram the point home. I'd read that Baltimore got all the worst of crack addicts and black drug dealers from DC, because housing prices were too high for them to live there. African Americans do not have to be like this, but they sure like doing it on TV, or getting elected and making all black crime unpunishable. That is racism, and it drives sane people to leave such places behind. It closes down businesses and extracts good people from communities. White Flight has been joined by Asian Flight, Mexican Flight, and even Black Flight, to escape from racists like the Mayor of Baltimore.
Such behavior, being a excuse to loot and destroy, proves the worst that racists have said about black people since before the civil war. It creates not just racism, but fear of black people as generally violent and uncivilized monsters allowed to rape and murder in our communities. There goes the neighborhood isn't just words. Its a minute's warning to pack up your family and possessions, put your house on the market, and get out of town before the rioters burn down where you live too. This is the most extreme form of White Flight, and its rarely justified right away... but Baltimore burned. Ferguson burned. What city will burn next to extort money from cities for the race machine run by a certain "preacher" and "black pride organizations"? Do black lives matter? Or is that only the case when a black racist can make a buck from it through an extortion scam?

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