Thursday, November 26, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving y'all. We have turkeys running around the neighborhood. That's what you get in the country.
I don't have a picture of the local ones, so here's one from my personal archives from the Bay Area in my apartment complex with all the murderers and rapists. Sigh. The Bay Area is a bad place.

We got snow yesterday, but then it melted within a couple hours of it stopping. Unfortunately, it got COLDER afterwards so there's black ice on many roads. As we were out visiting a friend for dinner, that meant driving home on the icy roads. I did not slip, and there was a lot of mist rising, but we got home safely. I still have decent night vision, but Dad does not.

Normally we do a public charity walk on Thanskgiving, called the Turkey Trot, however it is so cold we're not going. In a couple hours it will warm up enough for a walk. And later, we'll be cleaning up all the leaves brought down by the storm. There's quite a lot of mess.

Turkey will be roasted this afternoon. And I'll make broth from the innards. And we're making mince pie, since we had pumpkin already. Good times! Hope everybody reading is spending time with their families today. My ancestors were at the first Thanksgiving at Plymouth Colony.

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