Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Problem With Tolerance

I am not a fan of this "Pray For Paris" nonsense. France was attacked. I have cousins in Paris. This makes me angry. Prayer is what caused the problem. Tolerance of non-French zealots in their borders is what caused this. This isn't the first incident, and won't be the last. France's national identity is similar to America's, because we influenced each other's development as modern democracies. France wants to make everyone French. Islam wants to make everyone muslim, not French. The Muslims are allowed to deny being French and still live in France. France has, essentially, failed to convert them. If you allow an enemy, which muslims are, at your back, you must not be surprised when they stab you. And this is what they did. Islam hates all Westerners, by definition. This is why they attack our institutions. Islam is anti-civilization, and its entirely zealots. If you allow them in your community, they will eventually attack.

Prayer and Tolerance of Evil caused the attacks. Don't Pray for Paris. Urge them to expel Muslims from France, using maximum force. Terrify Islam. Because if they don't respond with force, next time it won't be a concert hall. The Muslims will set off a backpack nuke. Islam is ambitious and violent. That is its nature. They want to kill or convert everybody, and then tax them to keep the cult going. Islam is violence. They don't respect anything or anyone. Treat them with respect, as an enemy should be. and then apply violence to fix this situation. When there are no more Islamics in France, there will be no more terror attacks there. All civilized countries are going to have to come to terms with this reality. You can't negotiate with them. You have to expel them, remove them, with maximum force. If you don't, ISIS will buy Iran's nuclear weapons and nuke Rome, London, Paris, Rotterdam, New York City. This is what happens when you tolerate evil. Islam is evil. Islam with nuclear weapons is evil with greater ambitions, and terrible consequences result.

Don't Pray For Paris. Remind France they have nuclear weapons. Respond in the way that Islam understands. Islam is violence. Give them violence a hundred-fold in return.

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