Wednesday, January 6, 2016

North Korea Nuclear Test Faked?

North Korea claims they successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb. This turns out to be a lie. They probably tested an atom bomb since the yield was far too small for a hydrogen bomb, but there's a catch with this one too. The USGS says that the quake at the site had an epicenter of 6 miles, far deeper than North Korea can drill or dig. You need special technology for that. And they don't have it. This is also the depth that earthquakes happen. Most quakes in California and Japan are around 6 miles deep. Japan is close to Korea. South Korea claims the epicenter of the quake is nearer the surface than the USGS detected. This may be true, but details are still emerging.

The international stock markets have crashed, HARD, over the threat of a North Korea with working nukes, though so far the evidence is they're still dealing with Atom Bombs. An Atom bomb can ignite the deuterium and tritium to make a nuke, why they are sometimes called "nuclear triggers". The technology involved is complicated, and has issues of decay so you need a serious support system to make them work consistently, and they have an expiration date of a couple years, at which point you need to replace several parts to refresh them. This is the upside of nukes. They don't last. This is also the downside. They are a use them or lose them tech, if you get them through unofficial channels... such as ISIS or one of those other terror organizations bent on murder and self destruction. ISIS is heading for suicide in eastern Syria. That's their whole game plan. Kill everybody, then get smited by God in eastern Syria. Its entirely a suicide cult. Thanks to Obama, they're armed with American weapons and hardware. Funny how that is. And he keeps insisting that ISIS is strictly JV team, and there's no islamic extremism since Climate Change is the real threat. Sigh.

In other news we are getting lots of rain in California, and lots of snow in the middle and high Sierras, above 4500 feet. No snow here where I live, but plenty or drizzle and rain and wind. Its nice.

This is Climate Same.

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