Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Real California

The Real California is agriculture. Not cities. Not high technology. Not hippies, who arrived here in the 60's and 70's and didn't go home. Hollywood and Nancy Pelosi are an unfortunate symptom of the Nerfherders that allowed Darwin Awards to be denied in my home state of California. The real California is industrial agriculture, war with nature, and a desert with a bunch of oases. The drought of the last six years is finally over for the whole state and the reservoirs are full, the snow pack is high and we're in good condition to hire back all those gang members to the farms. They in turn will have the money to rent houses so their senoritas can be senoras and have bambinas, like good Catholics should. Most of our problems get resolved that way.

In the map above you can see that only the coasts, and San Bernardino County, and Alpine and Mono County are blue, mostly due to communists retired from LA. The rest is red, because the red part of the state works for a living. The blue is mostly communists on welfare, and their billionaire slave overlords. The billionaires pretend they "really care about the poor" which is why they work so hard to keep them poor. Duh! The contrary problem is the ultra leftists in the cities want the power and they don't want those poor Black or Mexicans to work for a living. They want them poor, angry, and ready to riot and murder for them, like the blacks do.

Early this week, a gay conservative was invited to give a public speech at UC Berkeley, a state funded leftist college responsible for the invention of the Hydrogen Bomb decades ago, but shifted in the 1960's into full leftist fascism. If you aren't a vegan with a Prius or a Bicycle, you're a target for violence. That's how UC Berkeley works, and they've been allowed to get this extreme because the college is the dominant employer in the city, which is just north of Oakland, and across the bay from San Francisco. Berkeley used to be more tolerant, but that's long gone. Its now fully extremist and by the 1990's it was creating eco terrorists who actually murdered people up on the north coast of the state for the crime of working for a living after these same ecoterrorists finished building their own redwood decks. They hypocritically murdered the guys who cut down the trees to build their decks in Berkeley. This is pretty much the entire communist ecosystem. Use people as your slaves, then kill them and eat their corpses. Any fool can tell that doesn't work for long, but the Berkeley communist want to depopulate the world so their long game is actually genocide. This explains a great deal.

Milo the gay conservative immigrant had things to say, but the antifa tried to assassinate him and the Berkeley cops hid in the building rather than use the teargas they were carrying to disperse the rioters or protect free speech. The mayor of Berkeley tweeted encouragement to the rioters, which is hate speech. He wasn't charged with hate speech because the city cops work for him and they're... fascists too. Left wing fascists. This was basically #krystalnacht in #Berkeley.
This also means the mayor committed both sedition and violated the constitutional rights of those coming to hear the speech. That's a federal crime. Its 10 years in prison and $100,000 fine for each person violated. He won't be charged because the state governor is also a communist. He lived in a fancy millionaire commune nearby while he was mayor of Oakland. He was proud of this. So as bad as the riots were, and how the #antifaterrorists were allowed and encouraged to break the businesses and neighborhoods of fellow leftists, this is fantastic advertising for white flight and gun sales.

Conservatives should seriously consider the Mossberg or Remington 12 gauge pump shotgun. 00-buckshot is effective on rioters no matter how many drugs they're on. That's why the police carry them. Effective police, which Berkeley does not have, have probably used the above video as a training aid, and I will expect they'll be holding 3-gun matches with silhouettes of black-clad terrorists so they can practice shooting them. England may let hoodies run rampant but we (our law enforcement) in Rural California will just shoot them. The survivors will get charged and off to prison. The rest get buried. I do hope they're practicing, locally. Lots of practice. Even with the rain there should be lots of visitors to the gun range today. The real California is armed and conservative. Not leftists in black hoodies.

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