Saturday, March 23, 2013


Work was hard this last week. I started on Sunday, unloading a truck and finding spaces for all the stuff that came out of that truck. We had help, so it wasn't an exhausting disaster, but it was real work. The rest of the week was spent picking, packing, and shipping the perfume oils, which is what my real job is. Up to this point I'd been prepping for this week of shipping the actual product to customers. And the prep work was all about streamlining the flow so the shipping would work well enough we wouldn't fall behind. By the end of the week we'd been shipping 40 packages per day, possibly more, spent close to a thousand on shipping charges, and only made one mistake that I know of. My fault, too. Otherwise its gone well. Its just hard work, so to speak. Its not digging holes or mixing concrete but there was construction involved and there's boxes to assemble and a tape gun and packing peanuts (ghost poo), invoices, packing slips, and I've now shipped several packages overseas. Never done that before. The product still smells good, being perfume oils (organic essential oils). The hardest part is I got a cold Friday a week ago and was sick with it the entire duration of this very hard week. Boxes of kleenex. It didn't really back off much until the rains came, and only a bit then. Its mostly gone today.

Good news of the week: new season of Top Gear out. And Trigun movie finally came to netflix. I was a fan of that series over 12 years ago, one of the few you could watch on cable TV. Back in the day where you had to pay for anime on DVD because there WAS NO streaming.

Bad news of the week? I'm losing my health insurance coverage because my wife lost her job, part of the Supression? Segregation? Crippling Anti-military presidential budget blunder? Whatever. I'll be paying for insulin out of pocket, and that's going to be expensive. I dearly hope my employer comes up with something. My soon to be ex-wife no longer offers me ANYTHING but bad memories now so filing for divorce is a priority. Whee!

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