Sunday, March 16, 2014

Librarian (Volunteer)

I started as a Library volunteer on Saturday. Obviously it is not paid, but I am working shelving books. I spent 3 hours in the Children's Library putting things away. One child kept demanding attention from a mother focused on a laptop screen. The others were much better behaved. They scowled at them both, since their parents taught them manners. I didn't bother interfering. It is pointless. You get sued over stuff like manners when there's children involved and parents who aren't very good at it and preemptively defensive towards lawsuits. So not worth it. I'm just glad the children's library has its own doors. Most of the little ones behaved quite well. Little kids make this burbling sound when they're happy. Even the noisy one did that at times.

I shelved books. It was pretty relaxing. My knees are a little sore, but I put away lots of books. There's several different kinds of collections, including tons of movies and books on Tape and Books on CD and VCR and DVD and picture books and books for those who can read Dr. Seuss and proper books like The Great Brain, which they have the first four of the series. Any autistic kid would appreciate the Great Brain. He is logical. A Catholic among Mormons somewhere in Southern Utah. I think they eventually say it is Cedar City. Near Zion park. Anyway, lots of books.

At quarter of four, having put away lots of books I called it a day said goodbye to both librarians, who were very happy at all I work I did in the messiest part of the library, since this means they don't have to do it later and can focus on the desk and helping patrons. The librarians were glad I cleaned up several days worth of mess there. There were three carts worth of books, you see. It was not a small amount. A couple hundred items.

I drove home in the lovely 82'F Spring afternoon, windows down, classical music playing, through Nevada City and back up the hill, then down Ridge Road under a column of cedar trees on each side. Simply lovely. I took a long hot shower afterwards since kids are covered in germs and why give them extra opportunities to make me sick, right? Then I had a beer, Black Butte Porter. Helped relax the muscles and my mind.

It was a good day. I am glad to work in something useful to others. Maybe a job will come from this, in time.

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