Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Leaves

Flowers are up. Leaves are out and growing bigger fast. We had rain yesterday morning, but it was gone in a few hours and dried out by mid afternoon. It was clear last night, and its warming up fast today. Beautiful sharp blue sky, breeze, and the neighborhood sound of what sounds like a leaf grinder somewhere close by. This neighborhood has farms around it, ones that have gone to seed, because it is hard to make a living farming, and its a lot more work than people think.

We are supposed to get 80'F days by this weekend. Maybe that will happen. We had a couple warm days a week ago. Upside of the drought is the plants are going nuts a bit early. And the warm weather encourages the flowers. Every yard with tulip bulbs has them up and brilliant, and in the forests, wild iris are doing the same thing. The Sierras are famous for flowers. The dogwood is budding so I expect those will flower out pretty soon. We also have leaves on the sheltered fig tree, the one against the house, and its just a matter of time before the big one leafs out. Probably in the next couple weeks. Despite it dropping to 40'F last night, that's not freezing so that's probably as cold as it will get for the rest of the spring and summer.

There's many cheerful sounds this morning. People tidying up after the rain, the garbage truck rumbling around, and folks are still adjusting to Daylight Savings Time. Dad and I both slept in till after it started getting light out. We're both up late, reading books. Good for your noggin to read, you know. I even reactivated my Goodreads account. If I'm going to be a volunteer librarian, I should be reading a couple books a week, not just fan fiction of dubious quality. I can't do boating because my insulin pump isn't waterproof, and anybody who goes boating knows you eventually end up in the water.
Looks fun, right? That's nearby, just up the hill about 15 miles. Small sailboats on lakes are really fun. They do flip over, and the winds tend to be unreliable, but they're small and the lakes aren't too big so its fine. Some people paddleboard, others row, and most have a bass boat to fish, though the lake is full of mercury so its not such a great thing to eat those fish. There's a mine at the bottom, which was dammed up and flooded for the local water supply. Seeing a connection there between eccentric behavior and water supply?
Anyway, use proper filters so you're not consuming as much of it. Time for my walk. Cheers!

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