Thursday, March 20, 2014

Whitehouse Press Corp Scripting Interviews

So it turns out that the Whitehouse is requiring the Press Corps to pre-submit their questions to the daily press meetings there. This allows Jay Carney (and if that's isn't an interestingly descriptive name) to spin the answers in advance. This is massively unethical in every possible sense of the word ethical. Its up there with plagiarism and counterfeiting and child molestation. The propagandists doing this are no longer fit to be called Journalists. They should be blackballed, every one of them, and forced to work for the Tabloids where they belong, reporting on little green men and quality control for wearable aluminum foil.

The real Press is screaming and the Whitehouse is denying this, which based on their years of everything they deny turning out to be true within short order, this is as good as saying the Press is nothing but propaganda tools. That this is absolutely true. The Whitehouse, by denying it, is confirming it.

When I see things this horrible, this Soviet, happening in MY COUNTRY, I makes me think it isn't mine anymore and it would be best to go our own way, as states. To drop the central govt back into the toilet and flush the handle. I'd really like to see Texas and California split off from the USA now. I'd like to see California become several states. That would be just fine. Even if it makes things worse, at least we won't have to give a damn what DC is spouting off because it will be someone else's country. Why is America even one country anymore? Or three, technically (Mexico and Canada are part of North America, remember). Anyway, what is United about these states anymore? We have nothing in common but a language, and even that is debatable. There are lots of jobs you can't get unless you speak Spanish. Restaurant and agriculture, for starters, and most building contractors and landscapers had better speak Spanish or don't show up to work anymore. Nurses should speak Tagalog, though most nurses who speak Tagalog also speak English well. Telecommunications and TV hardware and cellular require you to speak Mandarin, and anybody working in business with manufacturing or import-export needs to speak Mandarin and possibly Cantonese too. If you don't, you won't stay in business long. So with all these languages and interests dissenting, why are we one country when we could be 30 or 50 of them? Let California and the West be our own country. Our concerns are NOT the same as the Eastern Bastards.

So the Whitehouse is evil and a propaganda engine. The answer to this is to shut down the Whitehouse press corps, recall the journalists, and stop reporting what the Whitehouse says every day. Take away their power to spread lies. Stop treating their mouthy statements as truth or news. They aren't. Crimea is about to enter war, and the Press Corps reported that the Little Kenyan was playing fantasy basketball chart. Who cares? Crimea is millions of people and war in the Ukraine is WW4 huge, if Oil Supply is disrupted, which it will be, a billion people in Europe are effected. This is the summer they had better spend cutting firewood and putting up solar panels so they'll get SOME heat during next winter's long stormy nights. Top Gear has been great fun, a last blast of wealth. But the new Soviets won't be satisfied with just Crimea. They'll start killing their way across Ukraine next, but we can't ask the President what he is going to do about it because that's not an approved question for the Whitehouse Press Corps, and you get your pass revoked for asking. Maybe end up in a room with a table bolted to the floor and a big mirror you suspect has people on the far side, staring at your like a fresh piggy. Is this America? Do you want any part of that?

Nope. Divide the country. We aren't one country anymore. We are many, and we should stop pretending we want any relation to those scum in DC.

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