Friday, May 22, 2015

Gum Drop

I've been watching Agents of Shield every week. Its my one concession to television. The finale saw the nerd girl eaten by a black rock that turns liquid every 5 minutes in the last seconds of the final episode. Tough luck. What comes back from that might not be in shape for a date. Probably able to kill inhumans or fight wars, but probably not still have XX chromasomes or want to cuddle with nerd boy. Pity. We spotted the death flag, and then reminded ourselves this is Whedon so of course he'd reverse the flag, and he did exactly like we predicted.

After all Whedon did an entire show for seven years that takes place on the coast of California and never once mentioned the fog, never went to the beach, never talked about the strong west wind that rips through the area, and most of his fans were unaware that Sunnydale was Santa Barbara. As someone who grew up near the sea, you don't miss something like that.

The other opportunity missed in the name of drama is the girl Skye. She now has the ability to make earthquakes, controlled quakes. Like she's the ultimate subwoofer. She should totally hang out in clubs and make the building shake with the music. It would set off seismic detectors, but it would still be pretty hilarious misuse of powers, especially since she could be the ultimate Drop. Thus why we think her name should be Gumdrop. Or just The Drop.

The final interesting discovery is the Chinese woman playing Agent May is a Yinzer, who went to Carnegie Mellon U in Pittsburgh, my buddy's alma mater. He wants to see if she can still pull off the accent.

I suppose this show was a lead in for Captain America Civil War, which is about mutant registration and its rejection by patriots as morally wrong. But that's not even being filmed yet. So it kinda ends in a weird place. I wonder if they'll have more of this series someday, or if this was enough to keep attention up for the various Marvel movies?

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