Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Indifference and Summer Heat

You may have noticed that I didn't post much over the last six months. I've been busy with my schoolwork. Its been a lovely spring, and I've hiked up to four times a day. Wonderful exercise. The lovely weather would peak around 75'F every day. You can go around in short sleeves, and a wool overshirt in the morning is fine. Or it was.

Last week ended with the high schools all graduating. They hold this early in the morning because summers here are HOT. This week the weather shifted into Top Gear and it was 100'F yesterday. The low temp overnight is 72'F. That's not very chilly. Miserable, really, but there's upsides. You can get up before dawn and its 72'F, which means you can go for a walk with shorts, sandals, Hawaiian shirt, and its all good.

Some of my neighbors have motor scooters. They are riding them too. Around here a 150-cc is a good idea. A 49-cc just makes noise while moving at a walking pace when they come to a hill. In the road, that gets you run over, or at least honked at. More rich people buy scooters. Poor people buy used cars, can't fix them, suffer with the costs of low MPG fuel. Nice weather for riding, though.

There is a tropical storm off the Mexican coast that ripped itself apart, as they do, and its sending its weather up here. Its sweaty out. 40% humidity. Big thunderstorms just off of Santa Cruz, coming this way. The kind that cause a thousand lightning strikes and nail the dry forests with enough energy to make big fires. Its no fun trying to put those out in the midst of more of that weather. But its something that happens. As I'd expected, hurricanes are bringing summer thunderstorms, and that's what happens in an El Nino year. El Nino, which long predates humans burning anything. So not caused by us, and proof that global warming is a scam. Oh well. People are gullible and religious. I will continue to enjoy these mornings.

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