Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tesla Model X, $132K

So the first one hit the road for its first customer, for the not-bargain price of $132K. It is hard to take Tesla seriously when their cars are so expensive, and still require brass rubbing to recharge when you exceed their range. Yes, charging stations are being built, but you can't drive one to LA without stopping for 19 hours to recharge in Merced or Fresno. Good luck with that.
There's also the problem of limited Lithium, though if you only build a couple dozen cars a year, which is what Tesla is doing, and promoting themselves as "awesome" according to Elon Musk (apparently an egomaniac narcissist according to psychologist reports) but are really just a more expensive Nissan Leaf with a higher snob factor due to price. The Gigafactory in Reno is mostly going to ship batteries to China, not go into cars here. And some of the batteries will go for hybrids for Ford and GM, which is going to be their primary job, not making Tesla cars, even the Model X. In the real world, a 5000 pound car that costs $132K had better be made by Bentley or Rolls Royce. When its merely the level of your average Honda Accord LX or EX trim? Meh.

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