Monday, November 12, 2012


As of today, 20 states have petitions to leave the United States, one of which has the mandatory 25,000 signatures. That would be Texas. Next closest is Louisiana, which has half that many (today). I genuinely hope they get their signatures because Louisiana has been sorely used since Katrina. Between the flooding, the riots, the cleanup costs, and the loss of permanent population, Louisiana has not seen much back from the Federal government.

I realize that getting it on the ballot doesn't mean the Federal govt's chief executive will sign off on letting these states leave the Union. Even though its in the Constitution. And the few thousand signatures are far short of a proper referendum by the whole state, which still has to happen. It would amuse me greatly if Texas succeeded on leaving the Union and became their own country again. People forget that they were a Republic prior to being offered to join the United States of America. They retained the right to leave peacefully in the agreement. Liberals love to deny that as long as they're in power, but the moment it's reversed, they crow just as loudly for Secession.

So was California, but California surrendered without firing a shot when the US Navy showed up in San Francisco Harbor. Fremont should have held out for terms like Texas did. We might have a bit more honorable population if we had retained the right to think for ourselves instead of kowtowing to a Federal govt that openly MOCKS our state in the most derogatory terms and otherwise ignored us during the election despite the fact that a considerable portion of it voted for the other guy.
Sadly, even with those red districts, California is pretty Liberal and Dependent on welfare, subsidies, and AFDC is more a lifestyle choice. Sigh.

I will feel like the above petitions have real traction when all the Western states, and all the Midwestern states with majority RED on them file petitions with millions of names on them, not just 25,000 each. When Oklahoma and Tennessee and Kentucky all say "See ya, Feds" I'll be very happy at the outcome of real progress against our national abasement. If that actually happened with enough states, with supporting referendums to leave the Union to the point that the President had to either let them or attack with troops? Wow. That would be quite surreal.

I'm sure the Liberals will scream and yell that its redneck hillbillies, not realizing that name calling of that sort is exactly the kind of thing to make even more names go on the petitions. So go ahead. I'd love to see that outcome. A reasoned discourse as to why the Midwest and Western states should remain in the Union? Give it a shot. Go on.

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