Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Memorial Service, Boston Marathon, and Grain Tariffs

The memorial service for my Mom is today at the local Presbyterian church in Nevada City. Mom had a lot of friends there, interacted with lots of people since she retired up here in the late 90's. Its at 2 PM today.

These days I frown more than smile, just trying to repress and suppress and get through it all. We'll be dealing with lots of relatives and not all of them are the best behaved. Tourettes runs in the family and I'm one of the least affected or non-affected. Everyone else? Meh. Lotta Sheldons. I really hope they remember we're the ones in grief here and stop making demands like we should kowtow. Really. Sheldons. Sigh.

The bombing at the Boston Marathon thankfully did not involve or injure my friend Sarah, who ran it in 2010. I was relieved to see her twitter feed that she was safe in Chelsea, a thousand miles away. If its not the AQs it will probably turn out to be some abortion clinic bombers wanting to drum up support by killing some people completely uninvolved. Because abortion clinic bombing has never made sense. Only vegetarians have the moral right to be against abortion. Everyone else is a hypocrite. If you eat meat, you're pro-Abortion. Live with it.

If this does turn out to be the Saudi with the burns responsible for the attack? Provide the Saudi anti-terror squads with his family and friends' names and let them go to town. The Saudis are quite willing to pursue extreme methods for info. It always leads back to an Imam recruiting from a religious school, and ending those tends to be the necessary step. They pretend this spawns martyrs but from what I understand that's largely an overstatement by zealots.

Really, oil based religious violence won't end until there's no oil in the Middle East. Since the arabs are too greedy to blow up their own pipes, or keep it in the ground entirely and end the money supply that funds their terrorism, we'll have to either blow it up for them, or develop a cheaper alternative. Cheaper being relative. How many bombings like this do we have to live with before we decide the cost of oil is too high? How much are you willing to pay to never use Arab oil again? I would love to see us jack up the price of wheat and soy we're feeding the arabs so every time oil prices rise, food prices rise. We'll claim its "coincidence" the same way they do when prices rise and economies teeter and collapse.

There IS a connection between Greece's collapse and the price of oil. The price went up and so did the cost of plane tickets for tourists going to Greece, so they stopped. That was the tipping point that turned Greece into a collapsed country, right there. That then crashed the EU more effectively than any war. All because OPEC decided it needed to do some coincidental maintenance and cut back production to jack up the price and maintain their lavish zealot lifestyles.

Perhaps we should tariff all our grain exports? You know, for more environmentally sustainable growing practices and protecting our nations' farmers from the costs involved implementing them. When you feed the world, you can starve the world. Just saying. Think about that, OPEC. Your population is 3 meals from rebellion. We will eat just fine here in the USA.

That said, I'm driving to work this morning, not bicycling. I really want a biodiesel Subaru. It's the right answer. C'mon Subaru! End the dominance of Middle Eastern crazies and free us from their insanity.

1 comment:

  1. The memorial service was nice enough. I'm grateful to the church ladies who put it together. They also put together food for us. We served a large dinner to family at our home afterwards. It was good to see them all, even if the circumstances are horrible. I got to see my cousin Stephanie whom I haven't seen in about 18 years or so. Its been a while. I got to show my niece pictures of my gramma, who looks similar to her. Lots of stories and such from Dad and the relatives about various things. All those people leave me kind of shocked. I'm used to be alone or interacting with very few people. I'm not good at crowds, and this was a crowd. Even if they're blood relations. Sigh. Funerals are for the survivors, to help them cope. That's what this was. I talked to various people who seemed a little overlooked, helped them feel better. I don't know that I feel any better for it, but I'm still largely in shock. Sympathy isn't helping.
