Friday, April 5, 2013

New PC

I've upgraded to a new PC. I have to transfer files, which is going to take some days to complete, and I'll probably move in my big SATA hardrive from the old PC, and make sure Torchlight 2 works on the new one. Apparently I can transfer the files and it will run, but I'll see if that works or not. The new PC is setup for gaming, with a SSD drive so its starts up FAST. I will put Torchlight on the SSD so I don't get so much laggy loading screens. Though it might not be needed. You mostly wand that drive for the OS. Its got 3X as much video RAM, and a dual core CPU, so it really screams compared to the prior box. I will probably donate that to a coworker's kid if they need a PC. We'll see. Its not very new, but its fine for school work and surfing. Just need to clean it out properly.

The old box was running Win XP SP3. Latest updates and security. The new one is Windows 7, which I only have experience with due to helping my folks fix and maintain theirs. I have good file management practices so I don't lose stuff. Old people save things, don't remember where and lose the file. They then blame me because their computer "doesn't work" so since I'm the in-house IT, it must be My Fault. Right? Sigh.

I'm really hoping Torchlight runs smoothly. It was highly annoying how it stuttered every time there was lots of movement on the screen. I want the full experience when I play. All the effects, all the weather and shadows. The bells and whistles. I was playing it max-crippled before. It was still fun, till it lagged to nothing. I tried it at various levels of difficulty, including Veteran. Apparently, having now read MORE reviews at sites that weren't paid to say nice things, Diablo 3 is a dog. A biting dog. That bites its owner. The kind that should be taken to the vet and put to sleep for the good of all. I think, seeing that, I'll look at other games. Maybe some of those Dragon hunter games. Skyrim, despite all its bugs, is supposed to be fun. I'm pretty opposed to a monthly fee based online-only game. I like being alone when I game. It lets me pause and go to the bathroom or quit whenever. I'm too old and curmudgeonly to bother with most of those "shared play" stuff. If I played an online game, like Warcraft I'd do it solo, even if it was hard. I don't see much point in a game unless its fun. Fun is what matters. If the Torchlight game were more expanded, and the kernel used dual cores and load balancing so there's no slow-downs. Like the way it worked in the original Torchlight. If it did that it would probably be pretty great. Fable 2 had some severe glitches in game balance, particularly money (if you own a critical number of houses, the rent is so much money you can buy anything you need, and real time away from the game still accumulates money so you end up a millionaire in a short time). I liked the combat engine of Fable best of all I've played. Learning to swashbuckle, just to survive the game, was a really amazing challenge. More MMORPG's should be like that. It's also pretty realistic. Fable needed more monsters. If the Fable engine had the Warcraft monsters and open system, but smoother loading rather than all the loading screens, that would help. Skyrim has its flaws. Obviously. Still, it sounds better than Diablo3. I'm tempted to buy Diablo 2 again, since that got lost into my wife's stuff. It was hers, after all. Its cheap to buy today. And it was hella fun. Hella. Hella hella hella. Its fun to say Hella. Too much coffee?

Rains are over, till tonight. There's fog in the valley but its only misty here. Supposed to hit 60'F for the high today, so I guess the doors will be shut and heat running at work. Time to go. I hope my friends all have good weekends. I'll probably post here as updates occur.

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