Saturday, August 17, 2013

LOL: SacBee Predicts 5 foot sea level rise (up to 2000 years from now)

Articles like this deserve to be mocked. Its so simplistic, utter fear mongering to ignore the 660+ dead in the riots in Egypt, riots paid for by our current President in spite of the law that makes it illegal to do so. The coward who wrote this wouldn't even cite the study by name. What a jackass.

I'm glad I watched a Saturday afternoon scifi-comedy called Iron Sky, which has space Nazis on the dark side of the moon. It was like a Uwe Boll film, only one that didn't run out of money so it got all its special effects and the direction was slightly better. Many of the actors were old hands from actual Uwe Boll films, btw.
Really, this is hilarious. And its so much better than the usual inland sea crap. When I write about an inland sea, I don't call it a sea. I call it a lake. A flooded estuary of brackish water, which is a mix of fresh water and salt, though the amount of salt water will change depending on tide and season, since high floods from the rivers pouring out are likely to drive away most of the salt. I also point out that the levies are there because the fools who grew vegetables on pure-carbon of the drained estuary literally turned the soil into vegetables and air because it wasn't soil to start with. This is why its below sea level. NOT due to magic global warming chemicals. Sigh. Such idiots.

I find those people really frustrating. They bought in to the nonsense and now they preach it and believe it. Its their religion. Kinda like the Nazis in the movie. They believe in peace through superior firepower and annihilation of inferior peoples etc blah blah. And they lose. Bring the next ice age. I will enjoy watching sea levels fall, bays empty, and coastlines rise out of the sea. It will be hilarious.

Got snowshoes?

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