Wednesday, August 14, 2013

NOAA Closes 600 Weather Stations Contradicting Global Warming

Feds close 600 weather stations for reporting warming less than predicted. If those were people, it would be like firing or jailing them for not meeting govt mandated production quotas decided at the top rather than based on reality. Isn't that what Stalin did during the heyday of the worst part of the Soviet Empire? The sheer bullheaded hypocrisy. The weather stations in question, some of them were bad and needed to be moved. Others were good but showed warming was less than predicted in "the Model". That Model(tm) which is heavily tweaked with exponential functions and has been shown as utterly unreliable nonsense. THAT Model(tm).

Global warming has been going on for 19,500 years now. Well before people were burning coal or driving cars. We've had much warmer weather than today during the Medieval Warm Period 800-1150, right before the Little Ice Age kicked in, something that only ended about 1850ish. We went from good wines in England to the Thames freezing thick enough to hold festivals on it during winter.

Despite what you've been told, weather is not generally stable. It was for the last century and a half, during which lots of people were writing books or taking weather measurements so the data is biased by being so much of it, and so recent. The trouble with biased data is it isn't accurate. It wasn't that unusual to get a July blizzard in the Sierras, or a hot spell that melts all the snow in April. Stuff happens, and its all about chemistry and air pressure differences that cause it. Its ironic that ancient accounts of "this weather on this day was odd" by monks in the 9th century are actually useful because they only thought it was important enough to write it down, rather than how that report could bias the Big Plan To Kill Everyone (by forcing them to give up technology and live in mud huts). They just wrote it down and scientists today find it and say: "Huh, Didn't expect that." A real scientist keeps the data. A fake (climate scientists) hides the data because it makes things look less certain and prevents The Plan(tm). Geologists know that the ice will come again, because its done so dozens of times over millions of years. Interglacial periods, like this one, were not that long, 10-20 thousand years. Then the ice comes back. Over and over again.

They didn't know about Ozone until 1979, then they found a hole in it the first time they looked and so therefore it must be a new hole, rather than a feature of our planet from the dinosaurs or older. Right? False!! These people are failures at logic. The ozone hole might be a direct result of the magnetic field. Has nobody noticed the holes are over the poles? Where the most intense aspects of the magnetic field go, and the bigger hole is where the field is strongest but in the hemisphere with the least ozone wrecking chemicals. Isn't that curious? Or that the hole in the ozone changes size based on how much solar activity there is, which causes the magnetic field to respond, protecting us from potentially deadly radiation. But finding that correlation would be Science, and the climate cultists don't DO that. They chant to Apple and Al Gore.
Don't bother arguing science with Apple cultists. They are a religion. Their leader is visiting God. They expect his return at any time. Why do they do that? Well, its EASY to pretend that the world ends with them, that the world just can't go on without them in it. Its Narcissism. One of the primary diseases of modern Western culture, and one of the few points Muslims make about us that's true.

The climate models are WAY OFF. See here. The above graph shows the models predictions as the various colored lines, with a chart indicating which is which. The black line is their average. The blue and green squares and circles are the actual recorded temp averages. Notice how temps have risen 0.15 degree C since 1979. Now take into account heat island effects near weather stations in cities and ... well, won't they tend to be warmer? Now look at the model predictions above the actual recorded data. Huh. The models are clearly wrong. All of them. And we're supposed to spend money on these clowns?

When Clinton laid off 75% of the geologists working at USGS in 1993-94, it was a serious blow to my own career. It taught me an important lesson: you CAN major in the wrong subject. And jobs aren't guaranteed just because you studied a science and got the diploma. All that nonsense about going to college means a stable middle class career and the house with the picket fence... was a Con. The kids who came after, with no jobs, joined the strident cultists or flipped burgers. College let me down. Not the first or last time that's happened. Simply the biggest and most expensive waste of time and energy of my life. I suspect others have come to a similar conclusion. Maybe conning people into getting funding by alarmism and tinfoil hat theories like that nonsense Al Gore was spewing in An Inconvenient Truth, maybe that was the best way to hurt America? Anthropogenic Global Warming is provably false. Its become a religion and you can't tell religious people anything. When the Baby Boomers die, we'll see if the silly thing is still a problem. Like most fads, I suspect it will stop being cool without any funding, and fads are driven by money.

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