Saturday, May 31, 2014

Parent of Slain Coed Urges Culinary Institute Ban On Vegetables

That mess with the crazy kid with Aspbergers freaking out and murdering six people down in Santa Barbara missed this possible headline.
After all, he stabbed three people with a kitchen knife, and
if we didn't eat vegetables,
nobody would need a kitchen knife.
So really, we should blame the vegetable farmers for his actions. And the agency that organizes the preparation and safe handling of vegetables is clearly to blame, there. That makes just as much sense as blaming the self-defense lobby for people who failed to defend themselves against the lunatic. He successfully stabbed three people before he picked up the gun.
The police knew he'd put out insane murder threat video blogs. Was he jailed for making threats? Nope. Did his Psychiatrist have him committed? Nope. Did his psychiatrist put him on the no-guns list, like his job requires him to with delusional rage monsters? Nope.
Or possibly BMW, since the car made it possible for him to commit drivebys. If he'd had to walk, he wouldn't have been able to hurt all those people.
LA doesn't make sense. Neither does SF. I consider this yet another reason to divide California into 3-6 states. I don't want my taxes funding that kind of state and local law enforcement incompetence. The kid gave off all the classic warning signs. So why wasn't he jailed, sedated and treated like the loony he clearly was?
So really, bizarre conclusions in the news are just as sensible as the ones we got, blaming the Self Defense Political Action Group Lobby for the massive errors of a psychiatrist in LA. I really hope they put that guy in jail and yank his license, with big fines, civil suits, and examination of his other patients to see if they're also risks for psychotic spree killer attacks. After all, if he missed this one, maybe he's missing others, and maybe he said the wrong thing in session, causing the break in the first place. You never know if you don't investigate.
Not all Liberals are viciously incompetent hypocrites... but most are.

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