Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Warming is Crazy Religion

There are people in this world obsessed with material objects. Others are obsessed with being somewhere else. Others are obsessed with doing what others tell them to. These are common religious observations, even if people don't admit to them because they aren't generally described as such.

(Human Caused) Global Warming is a religion. Everybody who says otherwise is a zealot, a crazy person to be avoided, have their sharp objects be taken away, and needing clinical sedation by a licensed mental health practitioner. As soon as you try and tell a Warmer that climate change is natural, and that climate is always changing, and that its been warmer and colder before this, and that current weather is not caused by people, they throw a temper tantrum and explode at you. And their religious observances are so similar to Jim Jones' People's Temple nonsense, something I remember first hand since 3 of my classmates left for Guyana and were murdered by their parents with poisoned Flavor Aide (generic Kool Aid) from which we get the grim phrase "he's drinking the Kool Aid" and "Would you like some Kool Aid?" to describe insane religious cultists. The AGWs are the same. They want to kill absolutely everyone, and warming is just the excuse. I think they believe in this Annihilist religion because they got old enough to realize they'll die someday and its really bothering them, so they'd like to take everyone else with them when they go. This is more common than you'd think.

As a geologist, part of my studies included learning about historical climates, all the way back to the beginning of the planets accretion 4.6 billion years ago. The planet has been through some weird stuff. It went ice-ball before life, over a billion years ago. Looked really stable then too, but then supervolcanoes erupted near the equator and the soot increased the solar absorption and melted the ice and we had oceans again. There are traces of this in Australia, if I remember correctly.

During the early years of the planet, the moon was very close orbit. That detail in that horrible dinosaur time travel TV show by Spielberg was correct. What they didn't include but should have is that with the moon closer, the tidal effects were magnified so tides would have been something like 90 meters rather than the usual 5-6. That means tidal flats would have been miles across in many places, and drastically influenced the advantages of air breathing for sea creatures. Modern tides are not caused by people either. The moon is drifting further and further out and in a billion years or so it will fling off our orbit and go wandering around the solar system till it either hits something or becomes some other planet's moon or becomes a planet itself.

In recent geologic history, over the last 3-4 million years, the impact of the Indian subcontinent with Asia changed wind patterns in Mongolia which is the planetary high pressure and low pressure point. No, I am not joking. It is the literal origin of winds due to various geographic features. Somewhere had to be. It probably moves depending on the current shape of the continents. This change in the winds caused storms out of the warm Indian Ocean to start depositing snow on the newly risen Himalaya mountains and the Tibetan Plateau, which quickly turned into glaciers, then an ice sheet, then started reflecting sunlight off the planet. It is likely that the sun's output dropped as well, yet another factor in climate that we don't control. But you can't tell a Warmer that. They think solar output is a Republican Conspiracy, hurting women and children most. Nutbars.

By 133,000 years ago, modern humans had evolved. We'd grown up in swamps in Ethiopia, after a surge of deforestation forced us out of the trees and required us to walk upright and carry things with opposable thumbs. There was a long period of evolution before this as hominids, including tool and fire use for 3-5 million of years depending on your anthropologist and the various tenuous evidence. The important thing is we evolved into our modern forms as meat and plant eating, tool using, intelligent, language using omnivores long ago. We did this during an ice age, and then there was a warming period and we moved around. Then the ice age came back and we survived it. Then there was the Toba supervolcano eruption 74,000 years ago in Indonesia, an eruption similar to Yellowstone, only much bigger. We went from 2,000,000 people to around 2,500 people. This is called the Genetic Bottleneck, and we lost a lot of our species variation, leaving those remnants in reasonably sheltered Africa, where 24/26th of the human genome still lives. The last two bits of it are white people and Asian people. We're the ambitious ones that weren't content to just stay in Africa and sulk. We went everywhere. Eventually. India and Australia and the Phillippines were initially settled by Africans. Later invasions muddled the genetics. The important thing is that those two strains of our genome moved into close proximity of glaciers and evolved to survive there, learned the tricks and became capable of more aggressive adaptation to their environment than those who stayed behind in Africa and spent a lot of energy fighting each other, farming, hunting, and dealing with serious infectious diseases, malaria, and other parasites. Our ancestors had it rough.

Eventually the planet warmed up very suddenly 19,500 years ago, by 10'C, and the ice started to melt. We aren't completely sure of the cause, but it wasn't people. It wasn't coal burning. It wasn't people driving cars. It wasn't the crazy stuff spouting from the Warmer zealots and cultists who have to blame people for hot summer days.

At that point there was so much ice in glaciers and ice sheets that sea level was 80 meters lower than today. When the ice melted, some of it went out to sea, but others were caught in lakes, sometimes blocked by glaciers, such as lake Missoula. When the water level got high enough, the glacier would break off the tip and suddenly the water flowed down, all at once. This is the origin of the Missoula Floods, and it happened dozens of times, about every century, until the ice melted and the glacier retreated. There was so much ice that it took 10,000 years for it to melt. The last bits of glaciers are still up on many high mountains, but the ice sheets are long gone, and mostly were by 8,500 years ago. Since this warm and wet period, the entire planet has been drying out, which is to be expected after melting most of the planets glaciers. This has happened before, several times in the last few million years. And the glaciers always came back. They will come back again too.

Warmers see dry lakes in the desert and in their delusional ignorance, imagine the world is going to dry out and we'll all die. And they find comfort in this. They see wildfires, caused by aggressive firefighting preventing the burning of ladder fuel by natural summer lightning storm-caused fires, and the lack of humans duplicating the effort as they've done for thousands of years because the cleared ground gives you more habitat for deer and rabbits and edible plants, at least here in California. These fires severity is caused by people, but the fires themselves are natural. We don't cause lightning. We cause severe fires. Of course, there's efforts to restart the forest brush clearing using fire fighters and volunteers from the prisons, exchanging labor for a shorter sentence. Trying to fix the mistake caused by some bureaucrats back in 1925, who complained that clearing brush under trees was expensive, so why not just put out all the fires? Within a decade the forests were clogged with unnatural levels of brush. Before people, lightning burned down the brush before it could get tall enough to reach the treetops. Now brush fires get into the treetops, called a Crown Fire, which burns down the whole forest rather than merely the brush around the trunks but leaving the trees alive and healthy. This isn't climate change so the Warmer cultists ignore it. They could be doing useful work clearing the brush and saving the forest, but that's not as easy as blaming everyone, and its meaningful and useful, and Warmers don't want meaningful work. They want blame, accusation, an excuse for hatred and genocide.

Warmers are Luddites, the same kind that used Christianity as the excuse for murdering the Gnostics in the Dark Ages. Warmers hate others succeeding. This is why they attack industry, why that attack societies too poor to afford the fancy clean energy. They don't even have sewers yet, but the Warmers won't accept that these poor people must be allowed to gain sufficient technology, even dirty technology, to improve their living conditions and eventually pay for cleaner technology. You don't uplift the poor by making the rich poor. And that's exactly what the Warmers are doing. Taxing rich people, keeping it for themselves, claiming its for the poor. Warming taxes are just another scam by con men exploiting the religion pretending to be science. Especially considering the names of the current exchange owners, Blood and Gore. The same Gore that promoted the Human caused Global Warming religion in the first place.

If you blame people for nature, you can get money from them to "fix it" and since people can't affect solar output and didn't cause the existing climate, and pretend that variability, which is absolutely normal because climate stability isn't normal, is caused by people so if it gets better, they can say their efforts fixed it. Sort of like rain dancers claim that they make it rain. Its really the very same thing. AGW is rain dancing. Blame the heat on people, charge people money. If it stays hot, people need to pay more. If it cools off, you succeeded. See? And you get rich tricking them. People are suckers. PT Barnum said it best: "There's a sucker born every minute."

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