Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Since I started studying international politics after discovering how they interact with the stock market, back when I was 11 years old, I eventually came to conclude that America is hurting itself every time I saves a competitor or enemy from tyranny. We are insane to help countries that hate us. I'm in favor of isolationism, which is a hilariously hated "extremist view" according to people heavily invested in weapons manufacturing or dope smoking. Sometimes those are the same people. Leftists are really big on the hypocrisy, and anyone religious is insane by definition.

Ways isolationism helps American citizens:
  1. Jobs. Manufacturing has been lost to China. Close the borders, no more imports, and manufacturing has to be done here. Things will cost more, but everyone will be able to work.
  2. Wages. No more illegal aliens cheating minimum wage laws. Wages will stabilize and the middle class can recover.
  3. Ends famine. Famine happens because American grain is too cheap. Overseas farmers can't make a living selling their harvest at our price. Increase the costs of grain and more farmers overseas can make a living, so they'll grow food, which means in the event of a bad harvest here, the entire world isn't starving, since the entire world eats American grain. 2 billion people exist because of US grain exports. That has to stop. It is a food bubble.
  4. Higher grain prices allows farmers to pay off their debts and own their farms and hire people at proper wages and benefits. Like real companies, not black market enterprises using illegals for labor.
  5. No tax havens for evil corporations. They either pay their fair share in the USA or they get shut down and fined billions for breaking the law. Put the IRS after the big money, stop harassing the little guy.
  6. Ends slavery. Many companies manufacturing products in China and Vietnam have virtual slaves making your smartphone and tablet. That is morally wrong. Blocking trade with slavery is the ethical thing to do, and enables jobs in the USA. Of course, PAYING employees means the products will cost more, but you won't be profiting from slavery either.
  7. Ends war profiteering. The USA is engaged in wars all over the world because our weapons makers can sell there. The number of jobs really isn't that many, but the profits and death are huge, and result in campaign contributions to unethical politicians that keep the wars going. Too much blood is spilled for a few to benefit. That needs to end. And complaining that the English, French, Germans and Russians will just step into the gap is no excuse. We have standards. Time to actually live them.
  8. Ends oil imports and involvement in the Persian Gulf, which is a mess of ideologies and murder that will starve without US grain. They should not be our problem, and we should not be involved there. Once sufficient Fracking is working in domestic US locations, it will help defray shortages caused by OPEC temper tantrums.
  9. Bond market inflation stops since the Federal Reserve Corporation cannot Home prices will fall, to match actual wages of working people. Home pricing should be market driven, not inflated by Chinese buying T-bills. Houses should not cost more than a luxury car. My parents first house was $17K in Mill Valley, Marin County, California. My generation should not be paying $350K for that same place. Wages did not inflate to match. Inflation corrected price should be around $90K. This is where the market needs to be for homes to make sense.
This is by no means a smooth transition. There will be huge shifts in the economy by opening factories to make what Asia makes. The sticker shock for a pair of shoes or spatula will be harsh, at first. We'll get used to it, and employed people aren't burglarizing their neighbor's car. Employed people can pay a mortgage instead of paying too much for rent. Employed people can buy a new car, and invest in the stock market, and have their retirement funds grow. They buy things when they have income. This is what it takes to fix our broken economy. We will have to get electric rail, and we will have to accept that we aren't going to get enough oil to run all our cars for daily commutes, sorry. There just isn't enough to go around once we close our borders. Both Mexico and Canada want to sell oil out of the country, and US oil companies have been pushing to drop the embargo for oil exports because US prices aren't as profitable as selling to Europe for a tidy profit. That sales would also make gasoline double in price, just to help you understand. Unless your general income is from oil company stock dividends, that won't help you.

Eventually, we're all going to be working down the street. Whether we move down the street close to the job we like, or work for less near the place we like to live is up to us. Either choice has a cost. And sometimes that cost is too high. However, allowing globalism to destroy America, financially, and wipe out the Middle Class, has shown to be a total disaster for all but the very rich and evil politicians who take the bribes. I'm in favor of destroying both of those to save Us. So disengage from an evil world and focus on American problems, and fix those with closed borders.

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