Monday, January 6, 2014

AGW Irony

So a ship filled with grantees went to Antarctica to "study" the retreat of sea ice in Southern Hemisphere's summer. They got stuck in ice because there was way more than anticipated. As in ironic levels of ice rather than melted nothing or bare stone shores. Their predictions were completely wrong. The news reports have been making sure not to point out how ironic this is, how its proof that AGW is a lie. Now they're calling it Climate Change, which removes the warming and is rather pointlessly vague. We already have weathermen. They can't predict more than 3 days with the best technology and the least violated models.

It gets better. John Kerry has a bunch of AGW shills, because they aren't scientists but evangelists and so shouldn't be paid due to separation of Church and State laws, and he insists that AGW be part of all visits to every country he goes to. This is rather hilariously bad for US international image as a bunch of freaky wackjobs, like that guy at the dinner party ranting about some tin-foil hat theory of his that people just want to escape from. If you ruin dinner parties you stop being invited. This is what American international efforts have become.

Since I'm personally in favor of the USA withdrawing from the international sphere and fixing problems at home with our money, and leaving international problems to their inevitable conclusions, this actually serves my purposes. An incompetent crazy govt does great things for my agenda. So continue, Mr. Kerry. Be a nincompoop. You're the best possible answer to the John Birch Society's vision. And the vision of any isolationist political groups. You've proved the USA isn't trustworthy and can't be counted on.

So long as crazy people are running the US govt, they will show it in international circles that whatever power and prestige this country earned over the last century is lost, probably forever. The voters put these politicians in power, and say too little against them so to the world, we're the tinfoil wearing party crasher. The bearded weirdo. If you favor sanity, shave off your beard. Lose the hippy beads. Settle down and think like a grown up, not a junkie. And have a good laugh at the irony of that ship stuck in ice trying to prove there's no ice.

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