Friday, January 10, 2014

Global Cooling

I've been having a great laugh at the expense of the Easterners, who hate me for where I live (Sunny California!) and the AGW cultists chanting their sutras and demanding money for everybody with a real job. It's hilarious. Any image search or new search has lots of pictures of the snow and ice in the Midwest and East coast. Here's a weather report with pictures.

Icy roads, burst pipes, downed trees and power lines, car pileups. It's all great to see on TV instead of be in it personally. Costs of living are high in California, but that's because so many people want to live here in the 2-season state. We are basically summer and fall-spring. No winter.

The current issue of hilarity is the "Arctic Vortex!" (! included for emphasis) which has brought ice down the back of the Rockies and all the way to the South. The cultists keep chanting climate change, but its really just "climate same". Those of us old enough to remember have seen this before. It has a name. It's called "Winter". It's why people retire to the Sunbelt. It would be nice if their public funding is cut and they get reclassified as a religion so they're properly taxed and aren't allowed in public buildings because of Separation of Church and State. That means removing them from the Whitehouse payroll. They're have to get real jobs. Maybe go back to being a Barista. Think they can hack it?

And a little humor for you, about job retraining. AGW Kool Aid isn't going to cut it when the power shifts back to rationalism and science.
And some fast driving in a fossil fuel burning rally car. Whee!
There. Wasn't that fun?

In other news it might even rain tomorrow. Historically, droughts caused by El Nino, which is natural and goes back for hundreds of thousands of years before people burned coal or fossil fuels, can last up to 60 years and have destroyed 4 complex civilizations in the Americas, and destroyed a few in the Middle East as well. Like the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and the Ziggurat builders before them. And the stone builders in the upper Nile in Ethiopia. El Nino screwed them up, destroyed them via drought and famine which lead to inevitable societal breakdown. Time passed and new cultures arose. Of course, you can't blame El Nino on people having technology and fossil fuels since the phenomenon is much much older than us, and Al Gore's vision of Carbon Trading is making him a pretty penny with his partner David Blood. I'm not making that up. Blood and Gore are investing and profiting from Carbon Trading they promoted in order to force laws into place to support their investments which they control by shouting a lot of doomsaying nonsense. Well, drown out the Polar Vortex and the huge surge of sea ice, in both the Arctic AND Antarctic. Whoopsie! The public noticed. Blood and Gore. LOL.

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