Thursday, January 30, 2014

Spiced Decaf (Improved)

So since I gave up adult beverages I drink a lot more tea and coffee. Decaf coffee, even the good stuff, is pretty inexpensive and is considerably more nutritious than diet cola, or diet ginger ale, especially this time of year. Winter, remember?

The thing about the local decaf is that the stuff at the grocery store you can buy bulk and grind? Its decaf Colombian roast. A very middle of the road and slightly sour tasting. So I've been experimenting with flavors to correct that.

I found that this works well:
1 T cinnamon-sugar (white sugar and lots of cinnamon mixed in a sealed plastic container. Great on toast)
pinch Allspice
5 drops vanilla extract (cheap artificial stuff is fine)
2 tsp. caramel
1/4 cup milk

Fill with coffee, stir. The cinnamon is obvious as you breathe it in, and the vanilla smoothes and combines with the sugar and caramel to balance the flavor nicely between bitter coffee and sweet spices. Very nice. Without nutmeg, you don't end up comparing it to eggnog, and it also doesn't cook into custard because there's no egg, no cream, and its low fat.

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