Saturday, September 13, 2014

6 Californias Denied 2016 Ballot

So it turns out several hundred thousand signatures on the 6 California's ballot measure were not from US citizens. LA and Yuba County, both heavily aliens, had the highest rate of fraud on the ballot measure, around half not being citizens.

Funny how the Democrats are all "let illegals vote" right up until those Mexicans are voting to get the Democrats out of power. Its something to like about Mexicans, btw. They're mostly Catholic, and pro-family, anti-Abortion, and thus Republican. Similar to Asians, who are also pro-family and pro-business and thus Republican. California has huge populations of both. Rather than divide California govt up by region to deal with regional problems sanely, all of California will continue to pay for the largest bunches of idiot voters in the few cities. Which was the cause of the division movement in the first place.

So California will stay together. And White Flight will continue, and the black-on-black genocide will continue too. This is all part of the Democrat's plans to empty the state of California entirely, leaving it merely mansions with servants for the ultra rich. All of which would be big Donors to the Democratic Party. Considering the cost of living here keeps rising, that would figure. Is destruction of California through malfeasance and waste and taxation just a real estate scam to expel the middle class and the poor they used to employ? It does follow pattern, doesn't it?

Jefferson state needed the support of the 6 California's voters, which are spread around the state. This means that Jerry Brown can continue to ignore Levee and Reservoir maintenance which would largely solve our water crisis. He can continue to impose ever-higher gasoline taxes on the population to fund trains to nowhere and tunnels to kill salmon and smelt (illegally), and get discount water for the cities that voted him into office while bypassing development of the Northern Sacramento Valley in desperate need and failing infrastructure. But that's okay because LA voters don't even know where Colusa and Chico and Redding and Marysville are. So they can hang. Right?

Once I get my library degree, I'm going to apply at a lot of libraries and whichever hires me with sane home prices (and tolerates Atheists), I'm going there. Especially if it's out of state. Somewhere sane. And hopefully not going to trigger my allergies.

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