Thursday, September 25, 2014

Antarctic Sea Ice To Reach South America By 2036

The warmers got it wrong. Really wrong.
This is the latest image of Antarctic Sea Ice. In 2011, Al Gore shamefully proclaimed that the Arctic would have no sea ice in the summers by 2013, a point which disgraced him in the entire (qualified) scientific community, but his zealots continue to support because that's all zealots can do (other than kill people). He also suggested that the Antarctic melting would cause sea levels to rise and most of the seal ice on the shores would be lost by 2013. As you can see, its the largest EVER RECORDED. Admittedly, we've only had satellite technology to record this for the last 3 decades so this isn't as astonishing as it could be, but the growth of the sea ice over the Antarctic winter, where they were recently fund raising for penguins presumably wiped out because they didn't have as far to walk to get fish... well, now they have to walk a lot farther. Much farther. Perhaps they'll move their nesting site?
The rough math on the ice growth, per this tongue-in-check article reminiscent of the Warmer's threats of impending doom and fund raising tactic is hilarious.  Kinda wish it was funnier, actually. Should make up some BS stats and make appeals over "the planet". And how this must be dealt with immediately. Emotional appeals are not science. When you see all the Warmers accusing those who want further information about accuracy get defensive and attack those questioning? Well, that's what Con Men do, and Warming is just the latest Snake Oil scam. Here in the Gold Country, we know about Snake Oil. Laudnum was a great business, and modern super-pot is the same kind of patent medicine of those people, hurting others just like their grand pappy did. Those claiming its harmless aren't seeing my economy and how damaged it is by the dopers wandering around, lost and stinking. Its NOT harmless. Same as giving money to Warmers who attack our way of life, and indirectly fund terrorism.

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