Sunday, September 14, 2014

NBC-Owned The Weather Channel Losing Viewers Over Fake Weather Reporting

Turns out that wasting viewers time with fantasy global warming broadcasts from 2050 makes them change the channel and increasing numbers of subscriber cable companies ban it for offensive programming and lack of interest. Funny how that is.
The Pause in warming, which is now nearly twenty years, and early snowfalls in the Northeast and Denver, as well as the current record levels of ice around Antarctica, and normal levels of ice in the Arctic since 2007 make all the frantic cultist threats look really stupid. Also, it should be noted that there's been no sea level rise either. I keep waiting for signs of the ice age is beginning again, since that's how those work.
Generally speaking, it is best to stay away from cultists and tinfoil hat types. I like a good scifi story as much as the next guy, and the idea of them makes for fun ways to daydream or inspirational art, but in the end? Its just fantasy to pass the time. I really wish the Global Warming cultists would get back on their meds and stop bothering the rest of us, stop insisting their pot-fuelled daydream is actually real and then taking our money to try and find proof. They are still being allowed funds from our taxes, and that's just wrong. No religion deserves access to taxes.
A just and fair govt would go after them for fraud and put them in debtors prison, seize their houses and cars, and put them in jail, and into chain gangs cutting weeds along roads in the South, during the long hot summers. That's what they deserve, those con men and frauds. Stealing money is theft, and that is still a crime.
I do hope it rains properly this fall, but California is famous for its good weather, and we've had droughts like this before. The nights are cooling off nicely and the days are not so hot now that it is September. I'll be polishing and waxing my car for winter and put rainx on the glass, because when it does rain it will likely be a surprise.

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