Thursday, February 21, 2013

Post Blizzard Reflection

Most of the snow from Tuesday has melted off the roads. The big chunks, the black ice, its flowed away. There's still big blankets of white on the Eastern slopes of hills, particularly under trees. Apparently, this same storm is now causing blizzards in the MidWest and expected to impact 60 million people.

The mornings are long enough to allow shower and shave, and time to cook some breakfast and enjoy the taste of coffee at sufficient length. I can even blog before work or take my time answering an email from a friend. The commute? It's averaging 6 minutes.

Work has been inventory training and familiarizing myself with the product names. We're working out their storage as well. We want to be ready to receive our products when we get them from their former location. Ready to ship. Lots of pressure. We've got weeks to be ready, but many things need to be prepared to succeed.

After work I've been watching Irresponsible Captain Tylor, followed by Nodame Cantabile. Tylor is about the genius of timing. Nodame Cantabile is about the work involved in conducting a classical symphony orchestra. It has a really broad set of examples of notable classical music. Like if you were taking a survey level course in college. And you kinda want to root for Nodame. Then again, I sort of married her American version, if Nodame were a photographer instead of a pianist. I was quite aware of their similarities while I watched it the first time.

Now that I have income, I'm finally able to think more seriously about my goals. I have to pay bills, save my emergency fund, then get enough for an apartment with utilities: all by June. And I still want the MadAss for my commute and my documentation on scooter commuting for my book. While I might manage to get a loan for that, I'd rather just buy it outright. After all, I have to pay insurance for it too, and the class to ride is nearly $300, plus I need a better fitting helmet and gloves. I can live with the jacket, I suppose. It would be better to make some adjustments so the arms fit right. Or I can buy a jacket with loud yellow colors which will reduce the odds of being creamed by some idiot texting when they should be paying attention to the road. Ahem. Anyway, I need to turn in for the night. Enjoy your Friday, everyone.

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