Saturday, June 21, 2014

NASA Wants To Lasso Asteroid Into Orbit

How can this possibly go wrong? The same NASA that put a non-parabola into orbit in the heaviest satellite ever launched, the Hubble Space Telescope. Utter bonehead move.
The same NASA that plowed a lander into Mars at Mach 6 because they couldn't convert back and forth from Standard to Metric measurement systems.
The same NASA that burned up not one, but two TWO space shuttles, mainly through poor understanding of Materials. Materials which are core to engineering of the shuttles.
NASA is likely to discover that most asteroids are not just one piece, but multiple chunks loosely drifting together by microgravity. Attempting to shift their courses, as if they were a single solid rock, is almost certain to  exceed their gravitational attraction so instead of one rock brought into orbit, we get a shotgun blast of meteors going many places, including here. Tsunami generating from ocean strikes. Lava throwing and volcano erupting, and fires and dust clouds when they hit land. The Meteor Crater in Arizona was only 75 feet across. The blast that resembled a nuke going off in Russia last year was merely 30 feet across, and exploded in the atmosphere. The Tunguska blast knocked down trees in Siberia and lit the sky in Paris and London and Tokyo. If they hit the seas, 70% of the earth's surface, the impact is capable of super-rainstorm cloud cover, nuclear winter and the next ice age. There would be meteor strikes all over the globe, only rarely cities since most land is empty. 
And all caused by NASA because based on their history of accidents, all future attempts are likewise doomed by their known incompetence. If NASA had to get work based on their job history they wouldn't even be let near the deep fryer at a fast food franchise, they are so accident prone. They aren't careful. They don't check their work. They don't doublecheck for errors. Wartime engineering was fast and loose, but it was better than NASA who spends far more for each project. I don't understand why they aren't defunded  after the last disasters. Letting them near an Earth-killer object? No way. That is crazy.

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