Thursday, November 20, 2014

Never Argue Science With A Creationist

It makes you frustrated and them more insane. Its doubly frustrating when you're a conservative atheist because you run into religious Xtian people a bit more often. Liberals get everything BUT xtians because they hate xtians and welcome everything else, including cannibals. Must make for awkward dinner parties: "so whose baby are we eating tonight?" It just doesn't sound like something the Vegans are going to be comfortable with.

When I was in college, I worked several jobs to pay my books and car insurance. My folks covered the tuition, which back then was only a few hundred a semester, and I went to the local university so there were no food and housing costs. When I finished college I wasn't bankrupt, just useless like everybody else in my degree program. The most important lesson you get from college is academics exist to rip you off. Most of the Millenials know that now. When Gen X, Y, and the Millenials get the majority vote, we're cancelling medicare, defunding social security, and throwing the old people out of all their freebies, so quick your head will spin. We will bankrupt them. It won't be enough, but it will be a start. After that, we're publishing the books on why the Baby Boomers were bastards their whole lives. And we're going to get specific on their acts of greed and hypocrisy and corruption.

Gen X, Y, and the Millenials are the least religious in history. Any God that built a world like this one should have been fired. Most of the religious people I've met have been very blasé about their sins, smiling with insanity that God forgives them for their many sins, again and again, so its okay to sin again, and again. And more, God will forgive us too, for not forgiving the Baby Boomers for being ruthless evil bastards all their lives. Uh huh. Can you see how demotivational that is?

I was told by an Intelligent Design cultist today that he doesn't believe in RNA. This is a complex protein which evolved into DNA and still serves important purposes in cellular communication and control so you can have things like a metabolism and organs and be self aware. That's insane to deny something which exists and is easily detected. You can see RNA strands on a microscope. A powerful one, but they exist. Your body is full of them, along with DNA and cell walls etc.

In my experience, people run to religion this hard because they've just been told they've got fatal cancer and have weeks to live. There's no rationality in religion. Its abuses hiding insanity from reality, simple wrong answers to a complex world, and the more zealous the faith, the more violent the person who believes. Religious zealots are insane, and insane people should not be allowed to own guns, but that is a protected right. Thankfully, many religions insist that God protects them so they think they don't need them. Ironic that the Muslims are most likely to whip out the firearms invented by xtians for self defense against muslims.

Gen X, Y, and the Millenials are really all waiting for the crazy nihilist bastards to die off so we can fix our broken govt, our broken economy, and our broken civilization's public utility infrastructure instead of allowing the elder religious insane bastards to drop us all into an apocalypse. Good thing that zombies are just a fad. I've met Boomers who actually said: "I want the world to end when I die. I'm all that matters." And they meant it too! How should I respect a generation which feels that's okay to think and believe and use as their guiding principles into the future? This was a generation raised xtian, with good parents who loved them, and they are the worst generation in human history.

Baby Boomers disappoint me in humanity. I do hope my own generation behaves better when we are in charge. And hopefully ban religious people from having any access to destructive technology. People who think Intelligent Design is real should be banned from owning digital watches, cellphones, microwaves, gasoline, safe food, and modern medicine. Help those Luddites meet God directly instead of troubling sane people trying to look after the ones who aren't going out of their way to offend those of us doing the work to maintain civilization for the future. Which, as it happens, still exists despite the death of zealots who hate the world for existing. Just saying.

There are religious people who are quiet about it, and I respect their willingness not to trouble me. Its the zealots who insist reality is delusion and shout it from the rooftops who are begging to see the state mental hospitals refunded and reopened. And I think that's something my generation will do. Homeless is an euphemism for insane asylum patient, released to die. That was something the baby boomers did which was wrong and killed a lot of them with exposure or drug overdose. Really wrong. Good religious baby boomers abandoned crazy people to die. And that was really wrong. We should stop pretending these people can be cured, stop pretending their abandonment to die in the cold was "freedom", reopen the hospitals and put them back away. Maybe some of the religious zealots belong there too.

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