Saturday, November 15, 2014

Totalitarianism: President Wants To Censor Internet In New Power Grab

After the incredible scandal of Gruber's bragging statement: "American voters are too dumb to know what they want, so we tricked them into the ACA" and got paid $2.5 million in combined fees from the Federal govt and 4 states, the President has turned his sights onto new targets of expanding his own power. After this scandal, which most of the big media are ignoring, the White House needs to distract people from their corruption and failure with a new attack on freedom. You'll love this.
The White House wants to censor the Internet. Only things they like will be allowed. Yeah. Say goodbye to social media, Wikipedia, youtube, online news, freedom of thought, freedom of expression online. Its all going away. The FCC chairman was interviewed about this and says its a terrible idea and would crush much of the new economy, as well as being a vast and unconstitutional expansion of power of the Presidency, an office which changes hands from political party to political party.
Do you want to live in an America which attacks your right to think out loud?
Do you want to be arrested as a communist 2 years from now because the Democrats lose the presidency after screwing around and hurting people for 8 straight years and the inevitable retaliation against the weak and loud means you are on the chopping block?
Or have your home broken into by storm troopers because you own a firearm, still legal at present, but not if the President gets his way as he becomes Der Fuhrer.
If you were completely evil, censoring the internet opens up huge vistas of campaign contributions from companies that want to buy back the right to operate while their competitors languish behind a censorship curtain and resulting bankruptcy. What's so bad about censorship? Depends who is in charge, doesn't it?
Censorship works for China. Anybody who objects gets arrested, tortured, and thrown into slave labor camps making iPhone components. What if we started punishing our conscientious objectors under internet censorship laws. Every blog, every bit of email correspondence, every network broadcast censored by a completely political, biased, and proved anti-American agency that's put 92 million people out of work. If you arrest them and put them into slavery camps for saying the President is a bad guy after all, that "reduces unemployment" and "gets America back to work." And if those workers are beaten or shot for refusing to be slaves, well, at least they aren't unemployed anymore, right?
Most of these guys at the WPA are working because they get beaten to death by the foreman if they don't. Victims of the Great Depression and stuck in Hoovervilles, they were rounded up and forced into the WPA work camps. Many of the things they built are still around. And the "wages" are "sent home" despite vanishing on the way often enough. Funny how that is. But its totally not slavery! And we totally totally wouldn't do it again, either. Nope. Trust us! Govt totally doesn't enslave people anymore. Ask anyone in the military, currently the highest suicide rate occupation in the world. This is the sort of world we live in, and the govt we deserve. There's long been talk about bringing back the WPA. Would you like to slave away for the WPA?
How do you feel about this?
Say no to Internet Censorship. Even the head of the FCC says this is a terrible idea. That much of our economy only exists because the internet is free and open. And closing down freedom will just destroy viable industries. Living where I do, I suspect probably half of those 92 million are doing underground jobs, probably in the drug industry, probably making meth and growing dope, and selling it to all the overworked, overstressed, underpaid suckers trying to survive on Minimum Wage. Its a Liberal Paradise, bringing back slavery because once you control the news, you can tell people what to think. Orwell warned us about that. So what if we've had 80 years advance notice. Its not like schools teach people how to think.

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