Thursday, November 6, 2014

University Of California to Raise Tuition Costs 5% Per Year

In a concession to inflation, University of California announced today, after the election, that they will be raising tuition costs 5% a year for the next 5 years. Which is not to say they won't raise it even more after, or anytime during. I attended the California state college system, which required passing a course called "Critical Thinking" before you were allowed to graduate. UC has no such requirement, and only requires a minimum of general education courses, allowing the student to focus entirely on a specialty, something which helps explain why so many UC grads are so very DUMB at everything else, since all other knowledge is high school level. CSU grads are better educated and thus smarter. And CSU costs a small fraction of UC. I also note that in 1998, CSU dropped Critical Thinking and CSU graduates are getting dumber every year. I think things started slipping when they made the SAT too easy to score high and getting into harder colleges, ruining the colleges that accepted these inflated morons. Social promotion taken to its extreme has lead to a generation of simpletons. UC is raising its fees and if you want their name on your diploma, you will pay. And in the end, UC is about MONEY.
What this means is that UC is going to lose out to both private schools and CSU schools, as well as self education, online certificate diploma mills that pass through hiring boards without objection, and actual on the job apprenticeship programs, which tends to teach the skills best of all. We are shifting into a small business and craftsman focused economy because big business isn't hiring and there's no reason not to stomp them with taxes and trade tariffs since they employ nobody we like, and those they do are either overpaid bastards lording it over us Peasants, or insuring only poor people are paid as little as possible and then churning through employees to keep the wages low. That builds retaliation, and with law now in the hands of the people rather than the bribery party (Democrats), we can finally hurt them back. Hahah!
I do hope anyone reading this is not attending a UC and does not plan to. They're not really very good, after all. Cal Poly is hype as well. I've met graduates, and 3 our of 4 were dangerous morons with engineering degrees they shouldn't have. Yes, that's a small sample size, but some nearly killed people because they did not think. I am often astonished at just how stupid people are. Most of the marijuana growers are either self taught druggies with determination or college graduates working for them as "trimmers" and often getting ripped off in the process. A college degree today is nearly worthless because the people who get them are at the lowest standard for education in a century. America would be better served by no further state funding of colleges and let them go private and shut down when their bloated egos translate to no jobs so no students go there. Colleges need Glass Door reports. Prospective students need to know that colleges are a scam out to get student loans and leave the student 4-5 years later with a huge debt they can't escape and can't pay off on minimum wage, part time, on call jobs of today. You don't go to college expecting to push a broom as a janitor when you get out, and that's one of the better jobs these days. UC has failed, as an institution and I'd like to see their doors closed.

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