Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Lamest Duck

I voted yesterday. Real Americans over 18 mostly did this, one time each. The communists voted many times, and helped the illegals vote many times because voter ID cards are mandatory in Mexico and India yet are somehow considered unfair in the USA and just impossible to produce here. No ID or registration allows the Democrat party to retain power in the USA through the evil phrase: "Vote early and often". Chicago votes the dead, which is part of the reason why Dresden Files takes place there. After all, if the dead are consistently voting in Chicago it MUST be a supernatural hub, right? Its a tongue in cheek reference.
So anyway, after 6 years of the Anti-American president and his communist cronies stomping all over human rights, crushing the Middle Class into poverty, taking bribes from Outsourcing international corporations, and blaming the people who aren't in charge for his mistakes, and actively using racism any time they don't get their way, because his party are evil narcissists and don't mind a little genocide to insure their bad ideas become law. This is because they hate you and want you to give them all your money, and your house, and die so you can be replaced by someone more loyal to the party. Hurry up, sucker.
Well, the real Americans don't like that and they voted yesterday. Today, the Senate and House are ruled by the Republican party and the Anti-American president is now what is called a "lame duck". As he has personally, professionally and internationally offended even more people and powers than Jimmy Carter, he is now the Lamest Duck so I think I'll call him that from here on. He doesn't have the power to be anti-American anymore. I expect he'll spend more time golfing and asked by his party not to participate in fund raising since just being associated with him cost Udall his governorship of Colorado. I personally despise everybody who voted for him. I blame Democrats for destroying the Middle Class and wrecking our economy. It is small business that makes jobs. Govt takes them away. This is not complicated. Attacking small businesses through taxes and regulations is a great way to bankrupt small businesses which can't afford to hire fancy regulatory compliance experts at $300/hr, much less build all the unfunded mandate nonsense when they really need to be worrying about getting and completing contracts for a profit so they can pay their employees and keep their doors open.
Maybe I should write to my congressman and ask him to support trade tariffs on Chinese imports so we can bring jobs back to America. Maybe it hasn't occurred to him, with a Republican House and Senate, finally, that this critical and easy step is time to happen. Who TF is WTO to me? Is that one of those UN cronies? Are we being taxed so they can attack us? Can we stop that now?
The Millenials are fans of Maker Culture. They'd support jobs making electronic gizmos here, independently from the big slave-contractors like that fruit computing one, or the others like it. That could employ a huge number of people who show up for work on time and sober. Those jobs could offer wages to people that might buy into a housing market and keep it from crashing. That could fix the economy that the Democrats have done their best to crush forever. And they've succeeded in forcing Baby Boomers to sell out or shut down their businesses, try and sell their houses in the cities, and retire, perhaps on less than they wanted. If the boomers end up in trailer parks smoking dope and sleeping around, why should that bother me? These are the results of their decades of poor life choices. This is what they deserve, after all. Not a big house on a golf course with a wine cellar. They voted to create debt, then shove off paying it back onto me and the younger generations. This is their fault.
The upshot is the Millenials don't have to hire Baby Boomers as they start their own businesses through hard work, ignoring loans and debt thanks to Kickstarter, which is very much not like a bank and removes a lot of fears about economic reprisal from failure. Working out of your garage avoids the lease rental ripoffs, provided you can ramp up production in a small space not designed for it. Retrofitting is a key trick to productivity on the cheap, and dovetails nicely into my post-apocalypse economy, which is all about walking to work rather than commuting 30 miles to the job you like and spending all your profits on fuel and lost time. Neighborhood jobs are the future. Folks need to think hard about what they can make in their home, for profit that sells. In their kitchen or garage or basement.
I have thought about some businesses which might work in a local neighborhood. Around here, there's a website that largely replaces the local newspaper which is currently operated as someone's hobby. The competition is a website bulletin board, often with pictures, which gets locals to contribute and offers more news, because it is free, but also some noise from the North San Juan junkies and loonies. Drink mercury a few years and see how sane you are. Since the big papgers are owned by big corporations that export jobs for profit, everything they publish is biased. "Ebola? Harmless! Don't worry!" is something you see on the headlines of the big media these days. And Democrats believe it because loyalty is more important than thinking about all the dead people. So local competition for the propaganda rags is really important, and leads to local jobs.
Encrypted packet radio networks, covering the difference between Wifi and WiMax in a neighborhood and below the power limits placed by the FCC would allow a local server to provide a neighborhood library, streaming radio, alarms, jobs bulletin board for the small stuff that gives teenagers spending money for lawn mowing or gutter cleaning or basic IT drudgery or queries for help with babysitting or "does anyone know someone who can do this task" kinds of things. Neighborhood networks save lives. Considering how many police departments in cities show up late or not at all, they could save a lot of lives.
Programming websites and applications for specific paying tasks rather than advertising scams or malware (most Android apps take huge amounts of data bandwidth for the banner ads which can themselves contain malware in the flash or Java programming and can be argued as malware), and software to block these is an ongoing war worth fighting. Eventually everything useful gets a competent free app without banners, mostly as an advertisement for the quality of the programmer and acts as a resume for their eventual paying job. If you can program apps without banners, apps that can work offline and are useful, you are improving things for a lot of people. 
Engine or vehicle repair there's a huge future for, however they are low paying jobs. Low paying because with the population mostly poor now, thanks to Democrats, people can't pay shop rates anymore. The mechanic up the street who works in his garage for $12/hr and takes a week instead of a day to fix your car but doesn't charge for the time he's waiting for the part to arrive, is way cheaper and you can afford that. He's going to stay in business while big shops will have to lay off their mechanics and close their doors. When you price yourself out of the market, you are screwed. Any business that only hires people to turn around and tell them they're "on call, part time, no benefits" inspires no loyalty and will find themselves with a no-show and probably competitive bids for the contracts they were counting on. Never pull that crap on a craftsman. They get even. Inspiring Disloyalty is a modern business practice every bit as insulting as not replying to a submitted resume and guarantees retaliation. And you just can't afford that if you want to keep your doors open.
Another useful garage job is building teardrop trailers, so people can have cheap vacations on something light enough you can haul it behind your compact car. The Sierras, where I live, is full of campgrounds, both along twisty highways as well as rivers and lakes with trout and boating. Teardrop trailers let you use them in the rainy season because they are more waterproof than a tent, and you can throw a standup tent with a canvas chimney over the kitchen hatch that folds up for stowing when its dry. Building these costs from between $2000-10K, depending on the size and amenities, but most are made from wood over a cheap garden trailer with the heavier duty frame so it can take the weight. If the total weight is under 1000 pounds, all passenger cars can tow this, even the little ones. As the profit margin for such a specialized trailer is too low, and the gizmo too bulky to make profit shipping from China, they don't make them there. This is still something Americans can do. Great for fishermen, photographers, bird watchers, campers, herdsmen, and pot growers. Some people turn them into portable bars for hiring out to parties or street events. Because they are light, any vehicle can tow them. This is the crucial bit of their value. Don't make them too heavy for your market.
There are also jobs you can do in your kitchen. Home canning and home brewing makes for great trade items in a neighborhood barter economy. Eventually, I expect to hear about home distillery, since the govt is so insistent that we should ignore pot laws. Perhaps not with the new govt, but the last six years certainly favored getting high. Explains so much, too. Anyway, canned preserves from local fruit trees is a great way to pay for favors like someone watching your kids for an evening date with your spouse. I expect, if eggs get difficult, eggs will be a great one for barter, provided they have date stamps from soy dye. For now, just buy your eggs. It is less of a nuisance. In the future, someone will raise chickens in the neighborhood like its their job, and make deliveries door to door. Maybe by golf cart.
But that's all in the future, as our energy winds down. Several counties were voting to ban fracking because of contamination threats from the benzene and radioisotopes. This will make the oil companies upset, and eventually everyone upset, but for now it is preventing leukemia in cute little children. The new power shift in the govt is going to cause a lot of changes.
I won't say this is "morning in America" yet. We have to get rid of the Lamest Duck and not replace him with the Hag. "What difference does it make?" is really not something a presidential candidate should say about their own mistake. Mrs. Stevens thinks it makes the world of difference. That was her son killed in Libya, and Hillary who snarked that it didn't matter to her. Is that the sort of political party you support? The kind that murders sons through incompetence and then laughs about it like a psychopath? Mrs. Stevens is a friend of a friend, btw. She lives here. That Ambassador went to the high school half a mile from where I'm sitting. All politics is local. I consider it astonishing there are any Democrats left in this region, but they do have unlimited capacity for self-delusion, don't they? I suspect that once the Baby Boomers die in their trailer parks and rest homes in the coming decades there will need to be a new party to replace the Democrats that die with them. One without the stigma of treason and hypocrisy and exploitation. The one that got slapped down in the polls yesterday.
Anyone else wonder what will change when the new congress and senate are sworn in this January?  

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