Monday, October 14, 2013

Oil Change

Very mundane yet satisfying morning. I changed my oil today. I realized that the last time I'd changed it was just before moving up here a year ago, and a year is too long for the same oil, even if you're barely driving the car. I recalled buying oil to do that, then learning that my apartment complex won't allow you to do oil changes or car maintenance (unless you're an ex-convict, in which case that and shooting people and beating up your girlfriend and getting arrested are all just fine). But normal people can't change the oil in their car. And you sometimes have to pay to dispose of it, where it gets taken to the refinery and turned back into engine oil again, then sold to you once more with a $20 cleanup fee. Did I mention recently just how much I dislike the Bay Area? Evil hypocritical jerks.

The oil filter on my car was some cheap offbrand that was really small and hard to remove. I did eventually get it off and used the stuff I bought back in 2004 to do the oil change with my Dad's help. Glad that's done. The oil was really black and the engine runs quieter now and pulls the hill without downshifting, which is a good sign. Even with the old oil I got 28.57 mpg driving up to Chico and back, twice. That's amazing for a 14 year old car with a V6 engine and year-old oil. I suspect it will do a bit better now with synthetic blend oil and a better filter that works properly.

We're doing the oil on Dad's SUV later this afternoon. After he gets his old-person's nap. Hope everyone celebrates Columbus Day properly: by going to work like usual because only govt and bankers get today off.

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