Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Divided Nation

The last election proved that America (the USA) is divided. The Socialists want the working class (me) to pay for their permanent vacation and buffet lifestyle of bling and hookers. I have to say: "No.". We work too hard for too little, competing with actual enemies (India, China) who are undercutting us in the name of stock prices on Wall Street. To hell with them all. The working class are selling off their stocks and bailing out of their 401Ks. Why bother? Its worthless anyway. We've lost everything. At some point, breaking up the USA is going to make a hell of a lot of sense. And that's what I want to talk about.

I want you to picture America after another four years of failure from the Top. The current president got re-elected by bribing enough voters with stash to win again. The other guy wasn't great either, I admit, but at least he was different. Neither guy gave a damn about me. The old guy failed for four years to keep any promises and the economy got WORSE, consistently. I expect that trend to continue. After all, doing NOTHING seems to be enough for his re-election, and his evident contempt for us was plain in every debate, in every speech. He was on his way to another fund raising party, hosted by Wall Street and the Fascist corporations looking for better stock value. We don't even get consideration. In four more years, the currency will be pretty well tanked. The EU should be broken up, or so insolvent that the Euro is worthless. Italy, Greece and Spain are bankrupt by then, with overall unemployment, daily riots, and food lines if not outright starvation. Most of the able population has fled into the small towns raising vegetables for the table, rather than for sale, and nobody is paying taxes because the general population just kills the collectors in riots. Its like Palestine, rocks and molotov cocktails thrown at APCs and riot police, throwing the canisters of tear gas right back at the cops. That's Southern Europe.

America isn't much better. The PNW (Pacific Northwest) has pretty well split off the USA. The Midwest is operating out of Denver as a capitol, with Chicago acting as a trade center. Louisiana has become the poster child for Federal Incompetence, with Detroit its red headed sibling. Both are abandoned and falling apart, with New Orleans and Detroit ending up as movie sets for post-apocalyptic flicks and TV shows, while dodging wild dogs and actual gangs of drug smugglers. At bit too Mad Max for comfort. The Northeast remains pretty well demolished from Hurricane Sandy and subsequent hits go unrepaired, as its an easy form of urban renewal to let black neighborhoods on the Atlantic Coast get flooded and white neighborhoods get rebuilt. Of course, its perfectly legal, thanks to insurance coverage and building standards being enforced that drive the poor out of their homes. They can't afford the new rents or the repair costs or the new homeowners insurance rates associated with the hurricanes. No free lunch. Sorry. With Federal Dollars being worth only 20% what they were in 2006, funds don't go far in repair. Loss of revenue from the Midwests and PNW means the Federal Govt in Washington DC has less to call upon and demanding higher taxes from the very states most damaged by the hurricanes doesn't go over well. Especially for already Socialist countries like Massachussetts, a place so warped by entitlement it's treated as a foreign nation by distant countries like California or Mexico.

California's tax problems do not cease either. Even without annual wildfires and the costs of ineffective and burdensome high speed rail projects that go from nowhere to nowhere, collapsing road infrastructure and ever-higher fuel prices mean commuters are forced to live closer to their jobs, even if those jobs are less satisfying and pay less. The result is a sharp increase in both spree killings and serial slayings in all communities. Even wealthy ones are suffering from general and specific unhappiness as the car culture dies. With the end of commuting, traffic woes are related more to deteriorating roads dropping speeds and higher and higher gasoline taxes and car registration fees, increasing the burden on persons still working and businesses that rely on shipment of physical goods.

Wall Street remains happy thanks to refusal by the Federal Government to institute trade tariffs or resolve trade imbalance in any way. Most agricultural communities have their prices dictated to them by foreign powers buying wheat, soy, corn, and rice, all as they improve their own economies. After all, Americans deserve to suffer. They had it good for decades. They were big meanies. They were spoiled. Now that the Baby Boomers have gotten their retirements, their children can pay the price. And pay. And pay.

Birth rates drop, the only population growth is by illegal aliens. And still the nation collapses further. After all, you don't need to be legal to get free food and medical care and use of all USA's resources, including schools. No green card required. Because that would be fair, and we don't do that in America.

Ya know, I really understand how the Native Americans felt. I wonder if I'm living in a future "reservation"? Is this how America divides? Kill the settled ones off? New surge of immigrants takes  over till they run out of enthusiasm for being conned, repeat with new immigrants? I can sort of seeing that be the ultimate outcome of the Bubble Economy. A sort of sustainable wave of bubbles, exploited by the same sort of politicians and fascists based on the Robber Barons of the Gold Rush. It sort of makes sense in an Evil and Twisted way.

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