Monday, December 31, 2012

Why Try?

The PIMCO Fund Manager Predicts 2013 only 5% growth. And possibly only 4%, with Gold going higher but everything else so low as to match inflation. That's basically Recession. Why does this matter? Jobs. If the economy is crap, there's no jobs. Since we're mere hours away from the Fiscal Cliff and that's going to lead to "The Sequester", there will be across the board spending cuts. I'm seeing many upsides to that. Forcing govt to cut back like the rest of us have been for the last half dozen years? Oh yeah.

I suspect that this was the Democrats plan all along. After all, they get blamed by their constituents if THEY cut programs for the unworthy. But if the Sequester cuts them, its the Republicans fault for refusing the Democrats offer of nothing. So only the poor get hurt by this, and I'm okay with that. So are the Democrats. And the Republicans never get votes from the Poor so they're okay too. The only downside I can see is the end of the Middle Class Tax Cuts, such as they are. I was never a big fan of those, since taxing me to give me the money back? That's not a cut. That's stealing. Give me some credit here.

I have to wonder what the Sequester actually cuts, specifically. I know it cuts military spending. It also cuts everything but Medicare, apparently, but Obama already did that when he put in Obamacare. That took funding from Medicare, yet idiot Democrats still voted for him. Pathetic losers.

PIMCO is a serious mutual fund. Its manager has his office at Newport Beach, a place filled with money and warm weather. I've been there. Nice place, if filled with spoiled new money idiots. Mutual funds are stock funds managed by an expert that sells shares of the fund. Most 401Ks are composed of mutual funds. They tend to rise and fall with the market value so if the market is down, so is the fund. You don't usually lose everything since the risk is spread, but you make less as well. Fairly typical. The most important thing to know about the stock market is "past performance is no guarantee of future performance". Staring at graphs of stock performance is just a history lesson, not a prediction. Fund managers are merely better informed and financially motivated. Not Seers. So their opinions are weightier but not foolproof. They can still get it wrong. The market might go up more than 5%. It might also crash. We won't know until 2014 who was right. Its the time of year for predictions.

One of the big problems of a crap economy is its a knee jerk human response to point fingers at the cause. Everybody does this. Its human nature. The Middle Class are being destroyed since 2006, forced into debt and bankruptcy, many of them with mortgages worth less than the house they own. Personal bankruptcies remain a major problem, and credit card debt is pretty typical. So is student loan debt, which is one of the big reasons to avoid colleges today. That and degrees are pretty worthless. I'm living proof that the ability to learn and experience trump the degree you get from college. And most degrees are going to jobs that pay minimum wage anyway. That's the real future. Minimum Wage. Say it with me: Minimum Wage. We'll all be earning that soon enough. That's the real future with Socialism in charge. A street sweeper will make the same as a customer service person or a skilled specialist knee deep in life risking crap. Why try?

That's the message of the Fiscal Cliff, the Sequester, and the Federal Govt. Why try? That would make a good bumper sticker, actually. Pretty sure its the motto of the Poli Sci major. While I dislike potheads for many reasons, I DO understand why they smoke dope in the first place. There's little point in struggling and sacrificing if you can't get ahead. Why try?

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