Saturday, December 22, 2012

Silly Mayans

Everybody I know seems to be blogging about the silly Mayan Apocalypse coming to nothing. Dunno why anyone would think something would happen. Mayans got most everything wrong. Their water supply came from wells. The rains decreased due to El Nino, making the water level fall below the well bottom and suddenly nobody had water. So they all wandered off. They also had no idea about crop rotation so plant pests were a problem too. Their descendents are still down there, the Chiapas Rebels in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. They still speak Mayan. Nothing much going on there other than growing coffee and trying to get people to pay them more for it.

See, when a govt fails to live up to its basic responsibilities, people stop feeling the value in paying taxes. Thanks to the govt failing to protect the borders, keep the floods back (New Orleans) or the lights on (Detroit), people are finding the Federal Government to be a bit disappointing. If there weren't daily broadcast from the elected's office on the news, nobody would give a damn about Washington at all. This is a big part of why I don't watch the news. Besides, I'm a Californian. Seventh or Eighth largest economy in the world. Feeds a billion people with rice. Do we really NEED the Federal government when we get back less than 60 cents of our tax dollars? What do they do for us? Even the hippies running this place are better for California than DC is. And its really easy to ignore DC anyway. Turn off the TV. Bingo, problem solved.

I'm happy that there's heavy rains falling, strong winds, bit of snow. Sometimes it sticks an inch or two, then it melts. That's hardly Mayan Apocalypse, is it? I think I'll spend some time today reading the Motorcycle Safety Manual. Wanna get my license in the next couple months, if I can. I've usually been well in front of the leading edge of tech or fashion or both. Because of this I tend to be pretty jaded about the changes. At present I'm getting jaded about gasoline prices and taxation because I can see both are going to go way up and we're all going broke anyway. Someday you'll be glad to get eggs for protein, and roast beef will be a long ago memory, a food reserved for the politicians and the very rich. Can't be helped. They hate us for being Uppity. That's why they've been methodically ending the Middle Class, turn us all Poor. There's not much we can do about it in a resource scarcity situation like this is. We're going to be Poor. Just accept it and learn how to survive despite this. Silly Apocalypse. We don't need Mayans to see the end of our world.

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