Friday, December 21, 2012

Roast Ham

First, get a ham. A big one, 7-15 pounds worth. This time of year they're cheap so it's a good deal.

Put it in a big cast iron pan, then cover it all with foil to keep the steam in.

Bake at 325'F for around 4-5 hours depending on size. Test with a meat thermometer for done, above 160'F is best. Allow it to cool 25 minutes before serving so it stays moist and re-absorbs the water, keeping the meat fibers tender. Slice off pieces with a sharp knife.

Serve with either mashed yams or potatoes for the starch, and its traditional to have either green beans or if you're German, Saurkraut which is actually really good when done right. I'm about a quarter German, but its back around 250 years ago so we long since stopped paying attention to their foods etc. You can also use broccoli or steamed spinach for the vegetable. I also like to have a roll with it. And a salad because this is a bit unhealthy without it.

Cold sliced ham you roasted yourself is the best for sandwiches. I've been eating them daily. Chopped ham is great with eggs, on the same level as bacon but slightly healthier. Once again, the Muslims are missing out on something awesome. Pity them. Meanwhile I'm going to enjoy my ham as I spiral my way around the bone until it's all been eaten up. Yum.

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