Sunday, December 2, 2012

Storm #3 Summary

For those who care, we got 9.75 inches of rain here in the last five days. For scale, this is just 1.25 inch less than the average YEARLY rainfall in Los Angeles. We're used to 80 inches a year here, more or less, in the foothills of the Sierras. As I write, it is currently snowing up above Lake Tahoe so its probably been a good weekend for skiing after all. We're expecting sun, partly cloudy, tomorrow, then rain Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by sun again. We'll see. I'm going to do what I can about fallen leaves tomorrow. And my typing test so I can get a proper job, finally. We'll see. It is best not to get my hopes up. Apparently, the Fiscal Cliff is dumping 350,000 Californians off of Unemployment and into those minimum wage jobs I'm competing for. This will further decline wages and people will bid with their skillsets for anything to keep a roof over their heads and ramen in their bellies.
You Are Fighting for This!
Some say I shouldn't blame the guy in charge. Some say all Presidents have been pushing us towards inevitable poverty and death because Wealth concentrates in the Wise, whereas a Fool and his Money are Soon Parted. Fools can love their ramen, together. At least enough rain fell that we now have the water to boil to make ramen in the first place. So... yay?

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