Sunday, June 2, 2013


One of the reasons I am ready to haul out of here is I keep running into a problem with other people. Their ambitions exceed their abilities, so they cut corners on morality to try and reach their ambitions. This is why people end up committing crimes and going to jail. Desperate people do desperate things. I avoid that because I got taught the lesson about hope always leading to disappointment and despair before I even graduated college. My ambitions are tiny. Almost non-existent.

Ambition is a luxury few can afford. 

And that's a real Truth of the modern world.

When I worked at that DNA company, getting poisoned every day, most of the people I worked with were either ambitious beyond their abilities, and hurting everyone around them, or had given up and were protecting what they had, meager and pathetic though it was. This described both managers and workers. The ambitious were dangerous because they would betray a trust to get a minor, tiny, advantage in the workplace and the managers would offer it and rarely reward it because it gave them an edge. They overestimated that edge, however. That's why the place is out of business now, or got bought for its patents and will be shut down shortly, anyway. The new owner doesn't need the building or the sullen overworked employees. They're all getting pinkslips. That's where ambition gets you: fired.

My friend That Guy(tm) says that Advertisers are responsible for the disgusting materialism that fuels ambition because they've had decades to perfect their art and they're very very good at it. I gave up reading gun magazines, for example, because they made me want to buy firearms despite having no proper range to shoot them at. Avoid the advertising, you lose the bad ideas that drive the materialism and ambition. The ambition that poisons your mind and makes you hurt people just to have THINGS. Advertising is about money. In the end, things are about Money too. And getting that Money takes all your time. When you give up Materialism, you get a lot more possibilities in your life, including the possibility or working a job you like that pays less than the one you don't, with lower pay or shorter hours. Its Portlandia, sort of. Trust Babies in Nevada City, probably Hipsters, are all about the Time to party, and work a PT job at most, wander around High the rest of the time, and often stink because they have no fixed address, couch surfing till they wear out their welcome. I suppose you could say they are a sort of anti-Materialism success story, only most are just junkies and die of STDs like that liver infection.

Ambition is a really powerful poison. I'm not very fond of Women's Liberation, coming as it did during my Puberty. Liberation made women largely indifferent towards men except as sperm donors and child support sources who get none of the benefits of parenthood, just its costs. Its made men bitter and angry, and Liberation more than anything else is responsible for destroying my culture for good. Rich men get Russian Mail order brides. Liberation never hit Russia. A Russian woman knows she's a sex toy and never tries to be anything else. This is what successful men want. Liberated women who get successful whine they can't find successful men to want them. Duh! If you want a happy marriage, you shouldn't have voted for Liberation.

Unsuccessful men either get Asian women or angry because white women hate white men today. I seriously considered an Asian girlfriend but she said I was too old. Marriage is over. My culture is going extinct. The Mexicans will have America for themselves in a generation because they don't have Women's Lib, and they still get married and have proper families. That other culture in America, Liberal Socialism? AIDS. Staying here in post-prosperity America with a socialist mindset but no white liberals to pay for it? Yeah, that will end in fire and blood. I won't be here to see it. I expect collapse before then. Without insulin, a post-collapse luxury I probably can't afford, I'll be dead. So may as well live in a trailer and keep fleeing the riots and finger pointing and Spanish I can't speak, Catholicism I don't believe in, and the final extermination of the pale skinned people like me. Grim? Probably. Wrong? I don't think so.

The women up here are mostly white, like me, but are largely divided between Cheaters, Druggies, and Ambitious but Misplaced. My ex was a cheater. I want no part of that. Druggies are worse than useless, and often diseased. No thank you. The Ambitious people around here will leave. There's no jobs for ambitious people, for people who want a future and are willing to work for it. They have to flee for better economies. The folks with money around here are just enjoying their twilight years, waiting to die. They don't invest in jobs. They don't care about the future. They have always been Narcissists and will die that way too. When they're gone, I imagine their homes will burn in the next fire. What's the point of mansions when there's no jobs to pay the mortgage?
How do you pay for this with 28% unemployment? 
Part of the problem with Ambition is the educational system is a Con. Older generations wrapped in Narcissism and drug abuse tell their kids "study whatever, the money will follow". Wrong. Dead wrong. Parents from the last 3 generations FAIL miserably at wisdom or guidance. They were terrible human beings who destroyed the future. We should stop being so polite to them, or at least remember everything coming out of their months is guided by essential Narcissism. I got that same poor guidance from my own parents, who had a good laugh at my employment prospects when the bottom dropped out of Govt Funded Research Geology. Thank you, Southern Bastard.

Left with nothing but my wits and the unintended education I managed to wrench out of my crappy Liberal Arts college of idiocy, I survived by doing what I must. But it hasn't been a happy life. Nearly every piece of advice or knowledge elder generations have passed to me turned out to be wildly wrong. I feel a great degree of contempt for them. I look forward to the obituary notices. Their Ambition was to destroy America. They have succeeded.

I can't help but wonder if China will invade once Fracking the Monterey Formation gets underway, and the pipeline to carry the oil is finished? It would be their style. They'll probably just buy all the operations and move in their own people, all very legal, and then sell the oil under contract back to China, leaving little or nothing behind. If California really is the next Saudi Arabia, thanks to Fracking, then its not a safe place to be. Places with oil get invaded, abused, suppressed, and genocide follows. If we can't get to the oilfields armed well enough to force them out, we can't exactly stop them. The Chinese army and Air Force will just slaughter us like animals. We're so obsessed with our water quality we can't attack the pipelines for fear of spills. Californians will end up like MEND in the Niger Delta. Man that's funny. It's what I would do if I were an Evil Overlord. That was how I predicted the decisions of my last employer you know. I just imagined I was evil and described what I would do, and that was how they decided everything. There was a good reason they didn't replace all the broken crap. They just wanted to sell the company. And they did.

This is the Real California. Narcissism personified. This is where untethered ambition leads. Death. I think I'll leave California when I hear China buys up the Fracking companies. They'll probably buy the pipelines, or setup shipping so that only their contract ships can use the ports, and then oil stops being a fungible product and becomes a controlled substance. Letting China control California's oil is too much influence in genocidal hands. It is the likely and probable outcome of oil here, however. This is China's century. We are on the way out. The rest of the world is kidding itself that China will respect their rights to exist. Genocide is far too easy an answer when you have 70 million unmarried men with no prospects and the options to enact compulsory military service on the whim of the People's Chairman. Think about that. Multiply those teeming millions of testosterone fueled anger with Predator drones and unmanned helo gunships controlled by AIs and remote viewing? Egads! Nowhere is safe. China's ambition is to make the world Chinese by owning everything and killing everyone not Chinese. Naturally they deny this, but that's not exactly an unusual claim from a growing military power. I wonder how long before the Chinese demand concessions from the USA and get allowed Naval bases here for their warships? Its what the USA did to Italy, Britain, Japan, the Philippines. How long before a world power like that gets a legal military foothold here? Maybe a base so they can refuel, then escort their tankers back to Shanghai? It would follow. That's Ambition too. We're kidding ourselves to think otherwise.

So where do you fall in this mess? When China takes California for its oil, and nobody has jobs to pay taxes and the roads are dust and weeds, what then? What will you do? Where's your Dream now?

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