Sunday, June 2, 2013

WINE: Rare Red 4 Grape Blend

$8.40/btl Rare Red.

Dry, red, lots of merlot and some zinfandel tempranillo, petite verdot, cabernet. Not sure what the 4th grape is. Probably (Petite) Syrah. It's not as stunning as Menage a Trois, but its good. A nice wine to sip. This would be a better wine if the grapes had some sharpness in them. They're all a little too bland. Good, but just a little bland. With development and a more distinctive blending I think this could be a very good wine.

Also: I bought gasoline after 45 days of driving only 5 miles a day (2.5 miles each way), 6 days a week (one day for errands to the grocery store). It was $57 and change. At this rate of 80 cents/day, I'll need to drive for nearly 10 years before a motor scooter makes financial sense. Of course, gasoline prices won't stay at nearly $4/gal for the next 10 years, and while 100 mpg sounds like a lot, because it is, a stronger engine such as found in a Honda CB360 with the disc brake installed would probably suit me better. Its a balance of vintage, slightly more power, bigger wheels, and a better suspension than the MadAss. It would be enough to cruise Hwy 49 if I wanted. Maybe even short bursts of 80 over the sierras back onto Hwy 40 again. I like old 40. Its such a mellow road, running next to the Yuba River on the way up, and the Truckee River on the way down.

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