Friday, November 8, 2013

21 Things Climate Cultists Don't Want You To Know

  1. Climate change has been going on since the beginning of time, and more recently since the initial warming event 19,500 years ago, long before humans burned coal or other fossil fuels. 
  2. There is insufficient evidence to prove Warming is anthropogenic.
  3. Solar (the Sun) output varies, and humans cannot effect it. 
  4. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas, not CO2 or even Sulfur dioxide. 
  5. Climate models are well known in real scientific circles to be very inaccurate, the point that if govt weren't suppressing this detail, the people making claims would be charged with academic fraud and face jail for misusing public funds. Climate scientists get around this by burying the admission of heavily tweaking the models behind hundreds of pages of dissertation and claiming it as exploratory simulation. They blame the journalists for misinterpreting their research. 
  6. 2300 of the 2600 scientists named in the IPCC report sued the IPCC publishers for fraud and defamation. They hadn't been asked to take part or grant support to the report. Their research was cited by the authors who attempted to bully them into leaving it on the report. Subsequent removal didn't rescue their names from the initial PDF still traded around the web since then. Real scientists were tarred with the same brush as the cranks. 
  7. The current party in power fired tens of thousands of scientists in 1993, waited 3 years, then offered them a job making stuff up for grant money so they could eat, if they'd just include the words "global warming" on the grant paperwork. Desperate people do desperate things, even lie for money. 
  8. Behavior of APW fans is cultlike. If they were doing more obvious cult behavior, like worshipping comets or making women wear shapeless gowns and face masks, you'd immediately recognize them as cultists. 
  9. Climate Scientists wear labcoats and tweak computer models and pretend they're doing science, when they're mostly polluting data and ignoring or suppressing data that does not conform to expectation. That is NOT science. That's philosophy. 
  10. Primary assumptions that gathering data means that warming can be stopped by humans is asinine and has no basis in reality. 
  11. Heat mass of water in the oceans takes 800 years to warm up a degree thanks to natural circulation and depth. 
  12. The oceans also absorb and use considerable amounts of CO2, including sea shells and reefs, since the carbon and calcium join with oxygen to make calcium carbonate, aka limestone. CO2 is also the raw material for plants, things like leaves and wood are made from carbon out of the air. 
  13. The Cretaceous period (late dinosaurs) was 12'C warmer than today. The world did NOT end, despite this. The oceans were full of fish and other critters. 
  14. Climate changes drastically based on the sun and volcanic eruptions and even the position of continents effecting winds and rain, which is a level of chemistry not generally studied by climate scientists but is common knowledge for geologists like me. 
  15. Climate science as a funded religion has only been operating since 1988 and lacks sufficient data and willingness to record contrary data to generate accurate conclusions. The statistical error is way too high with this small of a sample size. Significant exclusion of unwanted/contrary data undermines them badly and it cannot be taken seriously until this bias is dealt with. They need scientists, not cultists desperate for funding. 
  16. Less sea ice melted than predicted. More grew in Antarctic Winter, which is a huge embarrassment. 
  17. Sea Levels rose following the end of the Pleistocene ice age by 80 meters (around 300 feet). Most of the ice that's left is capable of raising sea levels possibly 5 inches. 
  18. Dry winds over the Arctic ocean carry no water due to passing over ice. If Arctic ocean water were exposed as liquid, those winds would carry significant quantities off the ocean and into Canada and the Russian Steppes and Europe, reversing drought/drying trends and potentially restarting the ice age by re-forming glaciers in the Northern Rockies (currently high dry mountain peaks and plateaus), Cascades, and Sierras, and dumping lots of snow on the Canadian Shield and Mid-West and Great Plains instead of merely strong thunderstorms. Free ocean water in the Arctic would do the opposite of what the Warmers think because they are NOT scientists. 
  19. Shifting water via arctic winds into snow and land ice would also lower sea levels, which then changes currents through the Bering strait. 
  20. California got hurricanes during the last ice age because the North winds weren't pushing upwelling cold water on the coastline, meaning water temps were 25 degrees warmer and hurricanes could be sustained all the way to Eureka. 125 inches of rain was common in California at the time and the high Sierras had many glaciers, while the Mojave Desert and San Joaquin was covered in grassland and antelope and many streams and lakes filled with migratory birds (geese, ducks, flamingoes, pelicans, heron and egret). Examples of this are all over the state visible as shelves above eroded stream valleys, known as Pediments. Glacial Geologists study these, as do Archaeologists since they frequently hold traces of old hunter/gatherer camps. 
  21. Blaming people for warming is a sign of guilt and self loathing. AW cultists hate themselves and they hate everyone else. They're Haters. They're collecting "signs", the same as Nuclear War fanatics and Death Cults worshiping a comet. They recruit heavily in the gullible and uneducated, especially TV and movie stars. Keep in mind those folks got jobs because they repeat lines and look pretty on camera. They are entertainers, not scientists. Al Gore threatened the Federal Funding to TV stations if they didn't say the words "Global Warming" in every broadcast. SF ABC meteorologist Pete Giddings blasted the threat and refused to take part way back in 1994. Most caved, however, and now people believe this cult is science and rather than look at the facts and the cult behavior coloring data their own way, they ignore actual sciences which study climate, like geology, and throw money guiltily at "climate research" which mostly seems to end up with more easily disproven claims. Like "No arctic sea ice by 2013" from Al Gore. 
Yeah. And the worst thing? 

If people weren't distracted by this Anthropogenic Warming nonsense, they might understand the threat of Peak Oil and maybe start paying to build electric rail and streetcars again so we can still have an economy when Iran bombs Ras Tanura and destroys most of the oil distribution capacity with a single attack. Instead, we can offer beatings to the cultists when we're forced to bicycle in the rain because these twits wasted our time and money. And Global Cooling is the dominant news (again). 

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