Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mandatory Insurance, Mandatory Pricing, Mandatory Failure

I'm really baffled as to how the Democrats think an economy can exist with only partial employment and socialized medicine costs? How? The obvious answer is they're going to dictate pricing to the medical community, all of whom have high costs, from nurses and drug companies and doctors and electronics technicians, all with lawyers and regulators over their heads. The costs are high for all involved because there are lawyers involved, suing on behalf of patients. And is Obama going to regulate what a lawyer can be paid too? The drug companies already pulled out of US medicine in 2008. It happened. I was there in that industry. Boom, 7000 people laid off on the day before Thanksgiving in the Bay Area alone. 5000 from Genentech, and 2000 from Umbrella. Many of them left California. Others found entirely new careers. Dumping biochemists on the market, all at once, does not lead to a Renaissance of invention. The equipment is expensive, too much for hobbyists. So all the cool wonder drugs are on hiatus until such time as the money comes back... which is never.

The next area of attack is the electronics techs since they maintain, to certain regulated standards, the heart monitors and sonograms and cleanliness of surgical equipment etc and screwing that up makes people die. Better to get regular tech support or repair jobs than stay in a job where you could go to trial and then JAIL for manslaughter because you turned a dial 1 degree too far while calibrating something important. But it will drive costs down only nobody will be willing to do it at the mandated wage the govt will insist people be paid. I will point out that Govt mandated what phone companies can be paid for copper based phone lines, meanwhile copper is largely run out all over the planet so the price went up for the actual metal, meaning that the cost of copper makes it a losing proposition to install and still make money, so phone companies are shifting to Fiber optic and broadband rather than be told how much to make (lose) with plain old telephone service. This is how govt impacted the phone business. And how they'll likewise impact medicine. Soon nobody will be maintaining medical equipment, so good luck at the hospital.

After that, they'll go after the orderlies, moving people around, washing their sheets, bringing dinner or breakfast, pushing the drug cart around for the nurses. They'll be gone too, told they only deserve minimum wage despite having to pay medical malpractice insurance like everyone else in medicine. Being a building contractor is easier and less litigious.

So now the CNAs and LVNs and RNs have to do that, meaning they'll need more of them to care for all those patients using their Obamacare because they're paying so much for it they'd better get some of their money's worth. Nurses are betting paying jobs, a real expense for a hospital. That is a big part of the budget. So Obama tells them what they can be paid, tells them what they're worth and they all up and quit. Being a nurse is really hard. My mom did that. They will go work in Concierge medicine where Obama can't ruin them with his unfunded dictatorial mandates because Concierge takes no Federal funds, being a private clinic, and is off the books for regulation etc. He can't tell them a damned thing. And if he tries, they'll go underground and charge even more, paid in Gold not worthless US dollars. Because if there are no functioning hospitals in the USA thanks to Obama convincing everyone to quit medicine, we'll have no functioning economy either.

Why do I think its going that way? Well, after promising that people can keep their insurance, 5 million policies, including 32 million people (including women, children, and the elderly) have already been cancelled. He said they could keep it, but they really can't. There was no "except" when he gave his speech. It was "period". On the first day of his mandatory website signups, only 6 people were able to get through. Six. 47 million were turned away. There are 300 million people in this country. All of them now required to have health insurance under this "law of the land". With dictatorial unfunded mandates, unfair subsidies paid by everyone who works for a living, and the ever increasing numbers of people falling into poverty because its all very broken.

It's really a shame we're such a civilized country now. The rest of the world is dropping socialism like a bad STD. Why do Americans think its a fun time to experiment?

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