Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fall Colors

And that color is real. Nifty, right? The sad thing about fall colors is they're so fleeting. Local trees, in warm sun, are dropping leaves several per second.
This is the neighbor's maple next door, about a week ago. All those leaves are gone, down on the ground.
This is a birch down the street.
Lovely fire maple further on.
Another fire maple, with some green leaves, dropping its red ones many per minute.
One of the local corners, looking North. The Sierra Buttes are screened behind tall pines on the right. No visible snow up there.
Another street. See how peaceful fake-suburbs are? This is why people retire here. No crack vials, no graphitti, not even cars parked by the sidewalk, though its mid-day so that's partly why, this is peace and quiet. Oh, and the street sweeper was by less than an hour before, thus the lack of leaves in the gutter. This community is peaceful because that's what people want. Life has enough drama as it is. We don't need to invite more in. It's a very nice place to ride a bicycle, if you're strong, or ride a scooter, if you're quiet. Be respectful of your neighbors, and mostly folks are, too.

I'm sad we aren't getting rain, and that the last storm gave us not a drop. I know it will rain eventually. I'm enjoying the warmth, it being 82'F outside right now. Windows are open to let the air flow through, hear the chirping birds and the various gardeners raking leaves. I do that about an hour a day myself. Its just fine. We need more peaceful places. Folks here understand that.

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